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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Operation APIs

cv.api. operation


Name Description
new operation()

Operation definition for cv.api class. Contains all operation related api calls.


Name Description
clearCache(successCallback, errorCallback, suppressSuccessNotification)

Clears the entire cache associated with the current data source, including Analyzer's metadata cache, the Mondrian schema cache, and the Mondrian segment cache.


Clears a drop target indicator, provided there is a drop target. This can only be seen if an indicator has been shown previously for the given drop target.


Completes the drop, provided there is a drop target. The result of this drop depends on the drop target and what custom drop action is bound to the specified drop target.

getDropTarget(x, y, formula) : JSON | null

Retrieves the drop target, depending on the x and y coordinates provided. The x and y coordinates are relative to the frame in which analyzer is loaded, and not the parent frame. Any x and y coordinates from a parent window's mouse position needs to be translated such that (0, 0) is the top left corner of the frame.


Reapplies events in the order they were removed or undone.


Refreshes the report, showing any changes made to the report.


Resets the state of the report back to the most recently saved state.

saveReport(name, path, successCallback, errorCallback, suppressSuccessNotification)

Saves the report.


Shows the drop target indicator, provided there is a drop target. Depending on the portion of the screen where the drop is occurring, the drop indicator may look different or move.


Removes events in the order they occurred.

Constructor Details

new operation()

Operation definition for cv.api class. Contains all operation related api calls.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 28

Methods Details

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clearCache(successCallback, errorCallback, suppressSuccessNotification)

Clears the entire cache associated with the current data source, including Analyzer's metadata cache, the Mondrian schema cache, and the Mondrian segment cache.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 316

Name Default Value Summary
successCallback : function

The optional function which is executed when the report has been successfully saved.

errorCallback : function

The optional function which is executed when an exception is thrown when saving the report.

suppressSuccessNotification : boolean

The optional parameter which controls the display of the default success notification. By default, it is set to 'false'.


var successCallback = function() {alert("Success!");};
 var errorCallback = function() {alert("Error!");};
 cv.api.operation.clearCache(successCallback, errorCallback, true);

Clears a drop target indicator, provided there is a drop target. This can only be seen if an indicator has been shown previously for the given drop target.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 298

Name Default Value Summary
dropTarget : JSON

The drop target, which represents the location upon which the user will drop a draggable object


var dropTarget = cv.api.operation.getDropTarget(0, 0, "[MDX].[Formula]");

Completes the drop, provided there is a drop target. The result of this drop depends on the drop target and what custom drop action is bound to the specified drop target.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 262

Name Default Value Summary
dropTarget : JSON

The drop target, which represents the location upon which the user will drop a draggable object


var dropTarget = cv.api.operation.getDropTarget(0, 0, "[MDX].[Formula]");
getDropTarget(x, y, formula) : JSON | null

Retrieves the drop target, depending on the x and y coordinates provided. The x and y coordinates are relative to the frame in which analyzer is loaded, and not the parent frame. Any x and y coordinates from a parent window's mouse position needs to be translated such that (0, 0) is the top left corner of the frame.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 67

Name Default Value Summary
x : integer

The x coordinate

y : integer

The y coordinate

formula : string

The MDX of the object which the user would want to drop onto Analyzer

Name Description
JSON | null

If no drop target is at the provided x and y coordinates, null is returned. Otherwise, the drop target is returned as a JSON


cv.api.operation.getDropTarget(0, 0, "[MDX].[Formula]");
  • 5.4



Reapplies events in the order they were removed or undone.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 364


Refreshes the report, showing any changes made to the report.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 47


  • 5.4



Resets the state of the report back to the most recently saved state.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 385

  • 5.4
saveReport(name, path, successCallback, errorCallback, suppressSuccessNotification)

Saves the report.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 408

Name Default Value Summary
name : string

The name of the report without extension.

path : string

The existing path of the repository to store the report without the report's name.

successCallback : function

The optional function that is executed when the report has been successfully saved.

errorCallback : function

The optional function that is executed when an exception was thrown during the saving of the report.

suppressSuccessNotification : boolean

The optional parameter to control displaying the default success notification. By default it's false.


var name = "Test name of report";
 var path = "/public/my_test";

 var successCallback = function() {alert("Success!");};
 var errorCallback = function() {alert("Error!");};

 cv.api.operation.saveReport(name, path, successCallback, errorCallback, true);

Shows the drop target indicator, provided there is a drop target. Depending on the portion of the screen where the drop is occurring, the drop indicator may look different or move.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 280

Name Default Value Summary
dropTarget : JSON

The drop target, which represents the location upon which the user will drop a draggable object


var dropTarget = cv.api.operation.getDropTarget(0, 0, "[MDX].[Formula]");
  • 5.4



Removes events in the order they occurred.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_operation.js, line 343