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pentaho.lang. ArgumentInvalidError

The ArgumentInvalidError class is the class of errors for a function's argument that has been specified, although with an invalid value.

The name of the argument can be that of a nested property. For example: "keyArgs.description".

An argument's value can be considered invalid because:

  • It is not of one of the supported (and documented) types. Use instead: pentaho.lang.ArgumentInvalidTypeError.
  • The specific value is not supported, or is out of range. Use instead: pentaho.lang.ArgumentRangeError
  • The value is not in an acceptable state.
  • The value refers to something which does not exist (like a dictionary key which is undefined)

You should use this error if none of the other more specific invalid argument errors applies.

AMD Module

require(["pentaho/lang/ArgumentInvalidError"], function(ArgumentInvalidError) { /* code goes here */ });



Name Description
new ArgumentInvalidError(name, reason)

Creates an invalid argument error object.


Name Description
argument :  string

The name of the associated argument.

name :  string

The name of the type of error.

Constructor Details

new ArgumentInvalidError(name, reason)

Creates an invalid argument error object.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/ArgumentInvalidError.js, line 25

Name Default Value Summary
name : string

The name of the argument.

reason : string

Text that explains the reason why the argument is considered invalid. Can be useful when "being required" is a dynamic rule.

Members Details

argument:  string

The name of the associated argument.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/ArgumentError.js, line 49

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.ArgumentError#constructor#argument

name:  string

The name of the type of error.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/ArgumentInvalidError.js, line 67

Default Value: "ArgumentInvalidError"

Overrides: pentaho.lang.ArgumentError#name