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cdf. Dashboard.Clean

Represents a clean (no css engine) dashboard aggregating all the classes in the Dashboard hierarchy. It's a specialization of the base abstract Dashboard class.

AMD Module

require(["cdf/Dashboard.Clean"], function(Dashboard) { /* code goes here */ });

See also: Dashboard



Name Description
new Dashboard()

Represents a clean (no css engine) dashboard.


Name Description
_i18nCurrentLanguageCode :  string

The dashboard's current language code.

_i18nSupport :  object

Localization object.

addIns :  Object

Serves as a container for holding the registered add-ins.

args :  Array.<string>

Array of arguments.

blockUiOptions :  Object

Holds the dashboard jQuery.blockUI options.

CDF_ERROR_DIV :  string

Legacy identifier of the HTML div element used for showing errors.

components :  Array.<cdf.components.BaseComponent>

Array which stores all components in the dashboard.

context :  Object

The dashboard context object used for holding user and server session data.

dataSources :  Array.<Object>

Map of key value pairs: data source name - data source value.

debug :  number

The dashboard debug level.


Dashboard error codes.

escapeParameterValues :  Boolean

Defines if the parameter value needs to be encoded before being stored.

flatParameters :  Boolean

Defines if parameters are stored in flat names or in nested objects.

globalContext :  boolean

Determines if components and parameters are retrieved from the window object or from the dashboard instance.

initCounter :  Number

Init counter.

initialStorage :  Object

Holds the dashboard storage value available during the dashboard initialization.

isDisposed :  boolean

The dashboard is in a disposed state.

isSilent :  boolean

Allows disabling dashboard notifications.

lastServerResponse :  Number

Last server response timestamp.


Legacy storage parameter prefix.

legacyPriority :  number

Legacy dashboard components do not have priority, so we will assign a very low priority to them.

logLifecycle :  boolean

Flag indicating if the lifecycle events should be logged.

monthNames :  Array.<string>

Array of month names.

parameterModel :  Backbone.Model

Backbone model connected with the parameters.

parameters :  Array

Store of key value pairs: parameter name - parameter value.

queryFactories :  Object

Container used for registering query types and instantiating queries.

refreshEngine :  cdf.dashboard.RefreshEngine

The RefreshEngine which manages the component refresh cycle.

runningCalls :  Number

Running calls counter.

serverCheckResponseTimeout :  Number

Timeout value in milliseconds.

storage :  Object

Allows a user to persist parameters server-side to be used across different dashboards.

STORAGE :  String

Storage parameters prefix.

view :  Object

A view is a snapshot of the dashboard parameter's state, useful to restore a dashboard to a previous state.

viewFlags :  Object

Object used to store the available view flag values (read only).

viewParameters :  Object

Map containing the list of parameters of a dashboard and their view flag.

webAppPath :  String

The current webapp path.


Name Description

Clears resources associated with the dashboard components.


Clears resources associated with the dashboard instance parameters.


Clears resources associated with the dashboard storage.


Clears resources associated with the dashboard instance views.


Throws an error if the Dashboard is already disposed.

addComponent(component, options) : cdf.dashboard.Dashboard

Adds an instance of a component to the dashboard.


Adds an array of component instances to the dashboard.

addDataSource(name, obj, force)

Adds a new data source.

addParameter(parameterName, parameterValue) : Object

Adds a new parameter to the parameter module.


Renders a blocking div which can be dragged.

callPentahoAction(obj, solution, path, action, parameters, callback) : Object | string

Calls an xaction.

checkServer() : boolean

Executes a jQuery.ajax to test the connection to the server.


Resets the storage value to an empty object and issues a jQuery.ajax request to delete the value stored in the server.


Creates an empty HTML div element for showing errors.


Decrements the running calls counter.

detectQueryType(qd) : String | undefined

Given a query definition object, returns its query type.


Clears resources associated with the dashboard instance, if it wasn't already disposed.

errorNotification(err, ph)

Displays an error notification if the dashboard is not in silent mode.

executeAjax(returnType, url, params, func) : Object | string

Executes an Ajax request.

fetchData(cd, params, callback)

Fetches data from the server according to a query definition object.

fireChange(parameter, value)

Changes the value of a parameter, triggering a parameter:fireChange event.

generateBookmarkState() : Object

Generates a bookmark state using stored values.

getAddIn(type, subType, addInName) : cdf.AddIn

Gets the add-in from the add-in registry.

getBaseQuery() : cdf.queries.BaseQuery

Gets the base query object constructor from where other query types can be extended.

getBookmarkState() : Object

Gets the bookmark state URL decoded.


Alias for getComponent.

getComponent(name) : cdf.components.BaseComponent | undefined

Gets the component instance from a given name.


Alias for getComponent.

getComponentIndex(compOrNameOrIndex) : number

Gets the index of a component.

getDataSource(obj) : Object | undefined

Gets the data source with the provided name.

getDataSourceQuery(obj) : Object | undefined

Gets a query from getQuery using the data source with the provided name.

getErrorObj(errorCode) : Object

Gets an error code message.

getMessagesPath() : string

Gets the path from which to load the locale-specific properties files.

getParam(parameterName) : Object

Alias for getParameterValue.

getParameterValue(parameterName) : Object

Gets a parameter value.

getQuery(type, opts) : cdf.queries.BaseQuery

Given a type and options, returns the query object for running that particular query.

getRunningCalls() : number

Returns the number of running calls.

getSettingsValue(key, value)

Gets a setting value from the server.

getUnboundParameters() : Array.<string>

Gets a list of the names of the dashboard parameters with the view flag set to viewFlags.UNBOUND.

getViewParameters() : Object

Gets a map with the dashboard parameters with the view flag set to viewFlags.VIEW or viewFlags.UNBOUND.

getWcdfSettings() : Object

Gets the dashboard's wcdfSettings.

getWebAppPath() : string

Gets the current webapp path.


Handles a server error.

hasAddIn(type, subType, addInName) : boolean

Checks if the add-in exists in the add-in registry.

hasQuery(type) : boolean

Determines if a given query type is registered in the current dashboard.


Hides the progress indicator if the dashboard is not in silent mode.


Increments the running calls counter.


Dashboard's initialization function.

isBookmarkable(parameter) : boolean

Checks if a parameter is bookmarkable.


Cheks if a component is being updated in the dashboard lifecycle.

isValidQueryDefinition(queryDefinition) : boolean

Tests if a query definition is valid or not.

isViewParameter(parameter) : string

Returns the view flag value of a given parameter.

listAddIns(type, subType) : Array.<cdf.AddIn>

Lists registered add-ins of a given type and subtype.

listQueries() : Array.<String>

Lists the registered query types in this dashboard.


Loads the storage value from the server.


Shows a login error notification if the dashboard is not in silent mode.

normalizeId(id) : string

Normalizes a DOM element identifier.

parseXActionResult(obj, html) : Object

Parses the xaction result.

pentahoAction(solution, path, action, params, func) : Object | string

Another way to call an xaction.

pentahoServiceAction(serviceMethod, returntype, solution, path, action, params, func) : Object | string

Calls an xaction.


Persists a bookmark state.


Processes a change in a component.

registerAddIn(type, subType, addIn)

Registers an add-in to be used only by this dashboard instance.

registerGlobalAddIn(type, subType, addIn)

Registers a global add-in.

registerQuery(type, query)

Registers a new query type constructor to be used by the dashboard instance.

removeComponent(compOrNameOrIndex) : cdf.components.BaseComponent | undefined

Removes a component from the components array.


Removes the data source with the provided name.


Resets the dashboard.


Resets the running calls counter and hides the progress indicator.


Restores the bookmark state.


Restores the dashboard parameters stored in a view.


Saves the storage value in the server.

setAddInDefaults(type, subType, addInName, defaults)

Sets the default options of an add-in.

setBookmarkable(parameter, value)

Sets a pair parameter/value as bookmarkable.


Overrides a bookmark state with a given state.

setDataSource(name, obj)

Adds a data source overriding any existing one with the same name.


Sets the globalContext value.

setI18nSupport(locale, i18nRef)

Sets the current locale and i18n options.

setParam(parameterName, parameterValue, isNotified) : undefined

Alias for setParameter.

setParameter(parameterName, parameterValue, isNotified)

Stores a parameter with a certain value.

setParameterViewMode(parameter, value)

Sets the view flag for a given parameter.

setSettingsValue(name, object)

Sets a setting in the server.


Creates a tooltip for showing errors.


Makes the progress indicator visible if the dashboard is not in silent mode.

syncDebugLevel() : number

Sets the debug level.


Adds a component to the "to be updated" queue.


Updates a specific component.

urlAction(url, params, func) : Object | string

Calls an arbitrary URL expecting the result content type to be xml.

Constructor Details

new Dashboard()

Source: Dashboard.Clean.js, line 14

See also: Dashboard


require(['cdf/Dashboard.Clean', 'cdf/components/ButtonComponent'],
 function(Dashboard, ButtonComponent) {
 var dashboard = new Dashboard();

 dashboard.addParameter("input", "");

 dashboard.addComponent(new ButtonComponent({
 name: "buttonComponent",
 type: "button",
 htmlObject: "buttonObject",
 label: "A button",
 expression: function() {
 this.setLabel('Yes, a clickable button');
 alert('Button was clicked');
 executeAtStart: true,
 preChange: function() { return true; },
 postChange: function() { return true; },
 successCallback: function(data) {},
 failureCallback: function() {}

Members Details

_i18nCurrentLanguageCode:  string

The dashboard's current language code, used by other localizable components.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.i18n.js, line 61

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#_i18nCurrentLanguageCode

_i18nSupport:  object

Localization object, which will contain the property/value map and the method to get a value from a property.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.i18n.js, line 45

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#_i18nSupport

addIns:  Object

Serves as a container for holding the registered add-ins of the respective dashboard instance.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.addIns.js, line 86

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#addIns

args:  Array.<string>

Array of arguments.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 282

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#args

blockUiOptions:  Object

Holds the dashboard jQuery.blockUI options.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.notifications.js, line 66

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#blockUiOptions

CDF_ERROR_DIV:  string

Legacy identifier of the HTML div element used for showing errors.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 199

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#CDF_ERROR_DIV

Default Value: cdfErrorDiv

components:  Array.<cdf.components.BaseComponent>

Array of instances of BaseComponents in the dashboard.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.components.js, line 41

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#components

context:  Object

The dashboard context is used for holding user and server session information, such as the current locale and session timeout settings.

It can be initialized in two different ways. The main way is via the dashboard constructor. If not, it will be initialized via the Dashboard AMD module configuration. If no context configuration is available, it will be initialized as an empty object.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.context.js, line 43

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#context

dataSources:  Array.<Object>

Map of key value pairs where the keys are the data source names and the values are the corresponding data source object.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.dataSources.js, line 39

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#dataSources

debug:  number

The dashboard debug level.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 329

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#debug

Default Value: 1


Contains the default dashboard error codes.

Name Default Value Description
QUERY_TIMEOUT : string "Query timeout reached"

Query timeout error message.

COMPONENT_ERROR : string "Error processing component"

Error processing component error message.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.notifications.js, line 46

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#ERROR_CODES

escapeParameterValues:  Boolean

Defines if the parameter value needs to be encoded before being stored.

If true, then encode_prepare_arr is called before the parameter value gets stored.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 74

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#escapeParameterValues

flatParameters:  Boolean

Defines if parameters are stored in flat names or in nested objects.

For instance, storing parameter name "param1.param2" with flatParameters=true will create a parameter in the root of the parameter store, while with flatParameters=false, a nested object will be created.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 85

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#flatParameters

globalContext:  boolean

Determines if components and parameters are retrieved from the window object or from the dashboard instance.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 212

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#globalContext

Default Value: false

initCounter:  Number

Counter which stores the number of components in the dashboard being initialized. This counter is incremented for every component in the dashboard that is initialized and decremented afterwards. The end result after the initialization process should be zero.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 44

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#initCounter

initialStorage:  Object

Holds the dashboard storage value available during the dashboard initialization.

Source: dashboard/, line 54

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#initialStorage

isDisposed:  boolean

The dashboard is in a disposed state.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 339

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#isDisposed

Default Value: false

isSilent:  boolean

Allows disabling dashboard notifications.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 295

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#isSilent

lastServerResponse:  Number

Last server response timestamp in milliseconds, which used to know if the session expired.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 62

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#lastServerResponse


Legacy storage parameter prefix.

This allows users to store parameters between dashboard renders.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 96

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#LEGACY_STORAGE

Default Value:

legacyPriority:  number

Legacy dashboard components do not have priority, so we will assign a very low priority to them.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 263

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#legacyPriority

Default Value: -1000

logLifecycle:  boolean

Flag indicating if the lifecycle events should be logged.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 273

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#logLifecycle

Default Value: true

monthNames:  Array.<string>

Array of month names.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 292

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#monthNames

parameterModel:  Backbone.Model

Backbone model connected with the parameters to provide an events system over the CDF parameters.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 48

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#parameterModel

See also: Backbone.Model

parameters:  Array

Object which stores key value pairs with parameter name - parameter value.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 38

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#parameters

queryFactories:  Object

Container used for registering query types and instantiating queries.

Implements the factory pattern, providing a generic interface for creating query instances of the specified type.

Query types registered in this container will be accessible only by the dashboard instance.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.query.js, line 69

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#queryFactories

refreshEngine:  cdf.dashboard.RefreshEngine

The RefreshEngine which manages the component refresh cycle.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 201

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#refreshEngine

runningCalls:  Number

Running calls counter used to control the progress indicator in asynchronous calls.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 53

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#runningCalls

serverCheckResponseTimeout:  Number

Timeout value in milliseconds. If serverCheckResponseTimeout passes between ajax communications, then when the next updateComponent is called, the dashboard will first checkServer, showing a loginAlert if it is unable to connect to the server.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 75

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#serverCheckResponseTimeout

storage:  Object

The dashboard storage is used for persisting parameters on the server and making them available to other dashboards. It is sometimes referred to as a user parameter store.

It can be initialized in two different ways. The main way is via the dashboard constructor. Otherwise, it will be initialized via the Dashboard AMD module configuration. If no configuration is available, it will be initialized as an empty object.

Source: dashboard/, line 43

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#storage

STORAGE:  String

Storage parameters prefix.

This allows users to store parameters between dashboard renders.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 105

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#STORAGE

Default Value: storage.

view:  Object

Holds a snapshot of the dashboard parameter's state, which is useful to restore a dashboard to a previous state.

It can be initialized in two different ways. The main way is via the dashboard constructor. If not, it will be initialized via the Dashboard AMD module configuration.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.views.js, line 56

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#view

viewFlags:  Object

Object used to store the available view flag values (read only).

Name Default Value Description
UNUSED : string "unused"

Flag value for unused parameters.

UNBOUND : string "unbound"

Flag value for unbound parameters.

VIEW : string "view"

Flag value for view parameters.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.views.js, line 68

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#viewFlags

viewParameters:  Object

Map containing the list of parameters of a dashboard. The keys are the parameter names and the values are the view flag value.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.views.js, line 42

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#viewParameters

webAppPath:  String

The current webapp path.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 184

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#webAppPath

Methods Details


Dispose resources that the dashboard components may have, and that are no longer needed.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.components.js, line 251

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#_disposeComponents


Dispose resources that the dashboard parameters may have, and that are no longer needed.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 261

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#_disposeParameters


Dispose resources that the dashboard storage may have, and that are no longer needed.

Source: dashboard/, line 83

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#_disposeStorage


Dispose resources that the dashboard views may have, and that are no longer needed.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.views.js, line 99

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#_disposeViews


Throws an error if the Dashboard is already disposed.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 104

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#_throwIfDisposed

addComponent(component, options) : cdf.dashboard.Dashboard

Adds an instance of BaseComponent to the dashboard components array if it was not already added.

If the component does not have a valid property, or if the property is not a valid string, an exception is thrown.

The options parameter is optional and when it is absent, the component is added to the end of the components array. The same rule is applied if options.index is false. If not, the new component is appended to the array at position options.index.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.components.js, line 133

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#addComponent

Name Default Value Summary
component : cdf.components.BaseComponent

The new component to be added.

options : Object

An option object.

Name Default Value Summary
index : Number

The index at which to add the component.

Name Description

The dashboard instance where the component was added.

Name Description

The component is invalid.


The component already exists in the dashboard instance.


Adds one or more components to the dashboard. If a component was already added, it will not be replaced.

It iterates through the array and calls addComponent for each component.

Along with the addComponent behaviour, if a component in the array fails to be added to the dashboard instance, an error is thrown and the execution stops.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.components.js, line 107

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#addComponents

Name Default Value Summary
components : Array.<cdf.components.BaseComponent>

The array of components to be added.

Name Description

Error if a component in the array is invalid or was already added.

See also: addComponent

addDataSource(name, obj, force)

Adds a data source given a name, the data source object to be added, and an optional boolean indicating if any data source with the same name should be deleted. If the name parameter is an object, its name property will be used as the data source name and the obj parameter will be used as the flag for indicating that previous data sources with the same name were overwritten.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.dataSources.js, line 93

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#addDataSource

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | Object

The name of the data source.

obj : Object | boolean

The data source to be added.

force : boolean | undefined

A flag indicating if any previous data sources with the same name are to be replaced.

addParameter(parameterName, parameterValue) : Object

Adds a new parameter to the parameter module.

Receives a parameter name and an initial value, which will be used if the parameter is not available in the parameter model. Otherwise, the value returned by getParameterValue is used.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 280

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#addParameter

Name Default Value Summary
parameterName : string

The name of the parameter.

parameterValue : Object

The initial value of the parameter.

Name Description

The value assigned to the parameter or undefined if the parameter name is invalid.


Renders a blocking div which can be dragged.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.notifications.js, line 99

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#blockUIwithDrag

callPentahoAction(obj, solution, path, action, parameters, callback) : Object | string

Calls an xaction.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 56

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#callPentahoAction

Name Default Value Summary
obj : Object

DOM object where the response from the xaction should be written.

solution : string

The solution folder.

path : string

Path to the xaction. Can be the full path, in which case you do not need the solution and action.

action : string

The xaction name.

parameters : Object

Parameter object to send to the xaction.

callback : function

Callback function to call when the xaction responds.

Name Description
Object | string

If callback is a function it returns the value of executing pentahoAction. Otherwise, it returns the value of executing parseXActionResult.

See also: pentahoAction , parseXActionResult

checkServer() : boolean

Executes a jQuery.ajax to test the connection to the server. Uses HTTP POST to avoid cache.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.notifications.js, line 264

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#checkServer

Name Description

true if able to connect, false otherwise.


Resets the storage value to an empty object and deletes the value stored in the server.

Source: dashboard/, line 163

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#cleanStorage


Creates an empty HTML div element, with identifier CDF_ERROR_DIV for showing error messages.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 208

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#createAndCleanErrorDiv


Decrements the running calls counter and if it reaches 0, hides the progress indicator.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 145

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#decrementRunningCalls

detectQueryType(qd) : String | undefined

Given a query definition object, returns its query type. The query can have three groups of types. First cda, with queries using the CDA plugin. Then legacy, using xactions, and an arbitrary value for CPK data sources.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.query.js, line 154

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#detectQueryType

Name Default Value Summary
qd : Object

The query definition object.

Name Default Value Summary
dataSource : String

The name of the data source.

queryType : String

The query type in case it is from CPK.

query : Object

The query in case of it being legacy.

path : String

The path of the CDA file holding the query.

dataAccessId : String

The name of the query in the CDA file .

Name Description
String | undefined

The query type or undefined if none was detected.


Dispose resources that the dashboard may have and that are no longer needed, if it wasn't already disposed.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 421

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#dispose

errorNotification(err, ph)

Displays an error notification if the dashboard is not in silent mode.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.notifications.js, line 215

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#errorNotification

Name Default Value Summary
err : Object

An object containing a msg property with the error message to display.

ph : Object

A reference to the HTML element to attach the error message.

executeAjax(returnType, url, params, func) : Object | string

Executes an Ajax request. If no func callback is provided, it executes asynchronously and returns a jQuery XMLHttpRequest (jqXHR) object. Otherwise, it executes jQuery.ajax synchronously and returns the result of the HTTP request.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 103

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#executeAjax

Name Default Value Summary
returnType : string

The expected return type.

url : string

The URL to call.

params : Object

The parameters object.

func : function

Callback function.

Name Description
Object | string

If no func callback is provided, it returns a jqXHR object. Otherwise, it returns the result of the HTTP request.

fetchData(cd, params, callback)

Fetches data from the server according to a query definition object. This method is deprecated, so a Query instance should be used instead.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 337

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#fetchData

Name Default Value Summary
cd : Object

The query definition object.

params : Object

The parameters to use in the query.

callback : function

The callback function to be called with results.

fireChange(parameter, value)

Changes the value of a parameter with the provided name. Triggers the parameter:fireChange event and updates the components which listen for changes on the aforementioned parameter.

Because some browsers will not draw the blockUI widgets until the script has finished, we find the list of components to update, then execute the actual update in a function wrapped in a setTimeout so the running script has the opportunity to finish.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 766

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#fireChange

Name Default Value Summary
parameter : string

The name of the parameter on which to fire the change.

value : Object

Value for the parameter.

Fires: cdf.event:cdf , cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#event:parameterName:fireChange

generateBookmarkState() : Object

Generates a bookmark state using stored values.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.bookmarkable.js, line 147

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#generateBookmarkState

Name Description

An object with the state of the parameters previously marked as bookmarkable.

getAddIn(type, subType, addInName) : cdf.AddIn

Gets the add-in with the specified name, subtype and type from the add-in registry for this dashboard.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.addIns.js, line 155

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getAddIn

Name Default Value Summary
type : string

Type of the add-in, usually the component type where this add-in will be available.

subType : string

The subtype of the add-in.

addInName : string

The add-in name.

Name Description
cdf.AddIn | null

The add-in if one is found, null otherwise.

getBaseQuery() : cdf.queries.BaseQuery

Gets the base query object constructor from where other query types can be extended.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.query.js, line 88

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getBaseQuery

Name Description

The base query constructor.

getBookmarkState() : Object

Gets the bookmark state URL decoded.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.bookmarkable.js, line 215

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getBookmarkState

Name Description

An object with the current bookmark state.


Alias for getComponent.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.components.js, line 81

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getComp

getComponent(name) : cdf.components.BaseComponent | undefined

Gets the component given a string representing the component's name.

This method iterates over the components array and searches for the component with the name used as the argument. If the component with that name is not found, then undefined is returned.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.components.js, line 65

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getComponent

Name Default Value Summary
name : String

The component's name.

Name Description

The instance of BaseComponent with the given name.

undefined /p


var myComponent = myDashboard.getComponent("myInputComponent");

Alias for getComponent.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.components.js, line 89

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getComponentByName

getComponentIndex(compOrNameOrIndex) : number

Get the index of the array components that contains the component.

If compOrNameOrIndex is a string, it searches the component that first matches such name. If compOrNameOrIndex is a number, it returns component index on the components array. Lastly, if compOrNameOrIndex is a component instance, it returns the index where it is in components array.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.components.js, line 180

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getComponentIndex

Name Default Value Summary
compOrNameOrIndex : cdf.components.BaseComponent | string | number

The name, index, or the component to search.

Name Description

The index where the component is at or -1 if not found.

getDataSource(obj) : Object | undefined

Gets a data source according to the provided name or query definition object with a dataSource property.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.dataSources.js, line 142

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getDataSource

Name Default Value Summary
obj : string | Object

The name of the data source or an object from which to extract the name from.

Name Description
Object | undefined

The data source or undefined if none is found.

getDataSourceQuery(obj) : Object | undefined

Gets a query from getQuery using the data source with the provided name.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.dataSources.js, line 158

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getDataSourceQuery

Name Default Value Summary
obj : string | Object

The name of the data source or an object from which to extract the name from.

Name Description
Object | undefined

The query built using the target data source or undefined if no data source was found.

getErrorObj(errorCode) : Object

Given an error code, returns the registered error object associated with that code.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.notifications.js, line 155

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getErrorObj

Name Default Value Summary
errorCode : string

The error code.

Name Description

An object with a msg property containing the error code message or an empty object if the code is not registered.

getMessagesPath() : string

Gets the path from which to load the locale-specific properties files.

If this method returns undefined, which is the most common case, the path will be the dashboard's path.

It will be overridden returning the appropriate dashboard path in embedded scenarios.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.i18n.js, line 143

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getMessagesPath

Name Description

The path to the dashboard's locale-specific text files.

getParam(parameterName) : Object

Alias for getParameterValue.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 319

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getParam

Name Default Value Summary
parameterName : String

The parameter name.

Name Description

The parameter value or undefined if the parameter name is invalid.

getParameterValue(parameterName) : Object

Gets the parameter value from a given parameter name.

If the argument is invalid, undefined is returned.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 302

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getParameterValue

Name Default Value Summary
parameterName : String

The parameter name.

Name Description

The value of the parameter or undefined if the parameter name is invalid.

getQuery(type, opts) : cdf.queries.BaseQuery

Given a type and options, returns the query object for running that particular query. If a data source name is provided as an option, it also includes all options from it.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.query.js, line 203

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getQuery

Name Default Value Summary
type : String | Object

A string with the query type, or a valid data source or query definition object.

opts : Object

An object containing the query options.

Name Default Value Summary
dataSource : String

The data source of the query.

queryType : String

The query type.

Name Description

The query instance from the required type extended with the options in opts.

See also: getDataSource


// MDX query using an explicit type and a query definition object
dashboard.getQuery("mdx", {jndi: "SampleData", catalog: ...});
// MDX query using a query definition object
dashboard.getQuery({queryType: "mdx", jndi: "SampleData", catalog: ...});
// MDX query using a data source
dashboard.addDataSource("myDatasource", {queryType: "mdx", jndi: "SampleData", catalog: ...});
dashboard.getQuery({dataSource: "myDatasource"});
// defaults to a CDA query
dashboard.addDataSource("myDatasource", {dataAccessId: "query1", path: "/public/queries.cda"});
dashboard.getQuery({dataSource: "myDatasource"});
getRunningCalls() : number

Returns the number of running calls.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 127

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getRunningCalls

Name Description

Number of actual running calls to the server

getSettingsValue(key, value)

Gets a setting value from the server.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 309

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getSettingsValue

Name Default Value Summary
key : string

Key to the setting.

value : function

Callback function.

getUnboundParameters() : Array.<string>

Gets a list of the names of the dashboard parameters with the view flag set to viewFlags.UNBOUND.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.views.js, line 194

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getUnboundParameters

Name Description

List containing the names of the unbound parameters.

getViewParameters() : Object

Gets a map with the pairs parameter name - parameter value, with all dashboard parameters with the view flag set to viewFlags.VIEW or viewFlags.UNBOUND.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.views.js, line 173

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getViewParameters

Name Description

Map containing the viewable and unbound parameters.

getWcdfSettings() : Object

Gets the dashboard's wcdfSettings. It will be overridden returning the proper wcdf settings in embedded scenarios.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 396

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getWcdfSettings

Name Description

The dashboard's wcdf settings object.

getWebAppPath() : string

Gets the current webapp path.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 384

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#getWebAppPath

Name Description

The current webapp path (e.g. "/pentaho").


Handles a server error.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.notifications.js, line 202

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#handleServerError

Fires: cdf.event:cdf , cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#event:cdf:serverError

hasAddIn(type, subType, addInName) : boolean

Checks if the add-in with the specified name, subtype and type exists in the add-in registry for this dashboard.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.addIns.js, line 139

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#hasAddIn

Name Default Value Summary
type : string

Type of the add-in, usually the component type where this add-in will be available.

subType : string

The subtype of the add-in.

addInName : string

The add-in name.

Name Description

true if the add-in exists, false otherwise.

hasQuery(type) : boolean

Determines if a given query type is registered in the current dashboard.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.query.js, line 136

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#hasQuery

Name Default Value Summary
type : string

The query type.

Name Description

true if the query type has been registered for this dashboard.


Hides the progress indicator if the dashboard is not in silent mode. Optionally, resets the running calls counter.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.notifications.js, line 136

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#hideProgressIndicator

Name Default Value Summary
force : boolean

true if the running calls counter should be reset, false otherwise


Increments the running calls counter.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 135

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#incrementRunningCalls


Dashboard's initialization function. Calling this method will trigger the dashboard execution and render.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 162

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#init

Name Default Value Summary
components : Array.<cdf.components.BaseComponent>

List of components to be added to the dashboard.

isBookmarkable(parameter) : boolean

Checks if a parameter is bookmarkable.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.bookmarkable.js, line 137

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#isBookmarkable

Name Default Value Summary
parameter : string

The parameter name.

Name Description

true if parameter is bookmarkable, false otherwise.


When a component is upodated in the dashboard it goes through a series of states, and tracking all those states can be difficult. This function eases that by checking in all the appropriate lifecycle states if the component is being updated.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 835

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#isComponentUpdating

Name Default Value Summary
the : cdf.components.BaseComponent

component to check if is being updated.

isValidQueryDefinition(queryDefinition) : boolean

Tests if a query definition is valid or not. It checks if the return value of the detectQueryType is not undefined.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.query.js, line 242

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#isValidQueryDefinition

Name Default Value Summary
queryDefinition : Object

The query definition object.

Name Description

true if the query definition is valid.

See also: detectQueryType

isViewParameter(parameter) : string

Returns the view flag value of a given parameter.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.views.js, line 158

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#isViewParameter

Name Default Value Summary
parameter : string

The name of the parameter.

Name Description

The parameter view flag value.

listAddIns(type, subType) : Array.<cdf.AddIn>

Lists registered add-ins of a given type and subtype.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.addIns.js, line 194

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#listAddIns

Name Default Value Summary
type : string

Type of the add-in, usually the component type where this add-in will be available.

subType : string

The subtype of the add-in.

Name Description

An array containing the add-ins of the given type and subtype.

listQueries() : Array.<String>

Lists the registered query types in this dashboard.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.query.js, line 252

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#listQueries

Name Description

An array containing the registered query types.


Retrieves the storage value from the server using a jQuery.ajax request and saves it in the dashboard storage property.

Source: dashboard/, line 94

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#loadStorage


Shows a login error notification if the dashboard is not in silent mode. Provides a default implementation for the login alert which pops up when the login session expires.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.notifications.js, line 238

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#loginAlert

Name Default Value Summary
newOpts : Object

Options for the login pop-up.

Fires: cdf.event:cdf , cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#event:cdf:loginError

normalizeId(id) : string

Normalizes a DOM element identifier. This method is meant to be used when we need to directly manipulate a DOM element. It will be overridden returning the proper identifier in embedded scenarios.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 411

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#normalizeId

Name Default Value Summary
id : string

The DOM element identifier to normalize.

Name Description

The normalized identifier.

parseXActionResult(obj, html) : Object

Parses the xaction result. If errors are detected they will be writen in the appropriate DOM object of the provided obj component.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 246

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#parseXActionResult

Name Default Value Summary
obj : cdf.components.BaseComponent

The target component.

html : string

HTML string containing the xaction result.

Name Description
Object | null

A DOM object containing the xaction result if no errors are detected. Otherwise, null is returned.

pentahoAction(solution, path, action, params, func) : Object | string

Another way to call an xaction.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 158

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#pentahoAction

Name Default Value Summary
solution : string

Solution folder.

path : string

Path to the xaction. Can be the full path, in which case you do not need the solution and action.

action : string

The xaction name.

params : Object

Parameter object to send to the xaction.

func : function

Callback function to call when the xaction responds.

Name Description
Object | string

The return value of executing pentahoServiceAction.

See also: pentahoServiceAction

pentahoServiceAction(serviceMethod, returntype, solution, path, action, params, func) : Object | string

Calls an xaction.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 177

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#pentahoServiceAction

Name Default Value Summary
serviceMethod : string

Dom object where the response from the xaction should be written.

returntype : string

Expected return type of the response.

solution : string

Solution folder.

path : string

Path to the xaction. Can be the full path, in which case you do not need the solution and action

action : string

The xaction name.

params : Object

Parameter object to send to the xaction.

func : function

Callback function to call when the xaction responds.

Name Description
Object | string

The return value of executing executeAjax.

See also: executeAjax


If param is a bookmarkable parameter, this method uses generateBookmarkState to generate a bookmark state with the values stored and setBookmarkState to persist them.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.bookmarkable.js, line 167

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#persistBookmarkables

Name Default Value Summary
param : string

The name of the parameter.


Given the component with name object_name, a change is processed as follows:

We get the parameter and the value from the component (getValue()). Then we do the actual processing:

  1. component.preChange(value)
  2. dashboard.fireChange(parameter,value)
  3. component.postChange(value)

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 727

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#processChange

Name Default Value Summary
object_name : string

The component name.

registerAddIn(type, subType, addIn)

Registers an add-in to be used only by this dashboard instance.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.addIns.js, line 122

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#registerAddIn

Name Default Value Summary
type : string

Type of the add-in, usually the component type where this add-in will be available.

subType : string

The subtype of the add-in.

addIn : cdf.AddIn

The add-in instance to register.

registerGlobalAddIn(type, subType, addIn)

Registers a global add-in, to be used in all instances of dashboards sharing the same context. Essentially, it calls the static method with the same name.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.addIns.js, line 109

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#registerGlobalAddIn

Name Default Value Summary
type : string

The type of the add-in, usually the component type where this add-in will be available.

subType : string

The subtype of the add-in.

addIn : cdf.AddIn

The add-in instance to register.

registerQuery(type, query)

Registers a new query type constructor to be used by the dashboard instance.

If the query argument is an object, a new object will be created with a copy of the properties listed in the deepProperties list of the BaseQuery.

If query is a function, it will be used to generate new query instances of the specified type with no dependency on the BaseQuery class.

The new query type will be registered at the dashboard instance level and will not be accessible to other dashboards. To register the query type globally see the registerGlobalQuery function.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.query.js, line 108

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#registerQuery

Name Default Value Summary
type : string

The type of the query constructor.

query : object | function

A set of properties specific of the query type being registered, or the constructor for the query type being registered.

removeComponent(compOrNameOrIndex) : cdf.components.BaseComponent | undefined

Removes a component from the components array, calling getComponentIndex to retrieve the correct component. Additionally, all the cdf events are removed, returning the component instance removed.

If argument is a BaseComponent instance that exists in the components array, it will be removed. If compOrNameOrIndex is a string, the first component with such name is removed from the components array. The other case is if compOrNameOrIndex is a number. In this scenario, the component in such a position in the components array is removed.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.components.js, line 218

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#removeComponent

Name Default Value Summary
compOrNameOrIndex : cdf.components.BaseComponent | string | number

The component object, the name of the component, or the index of the component to be removed.

Name Description

The removed component.


The component was not found.

See also: getComponentIndex


Removes the data source with the provided name. If obj is a query definition object, the data source name will be extracted from its dataSource property.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.dataSources.js, line 193

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#removeDataSource

Name Default Value Summary
obj : string | Object

The name of the data source or an object from which to extract the name.


Resets the dashboard, clearing all the components, and re-updating them.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 702

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#resetAll


Resets the running calls counter and hides the progress indicator.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 114

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#resetRunningCalls


This method uses getBookmarkState to read the bookmark state and then setParameter to set each parameter/value read in the dashboard.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.bookmarkable.js, line 250

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#restoreBookmarkables


Restores the dashboard parameters stored in a view. Because we are storing the parameters in OrientDB, and it has some serious issues when storing nested objects, we need to marshal the parameters into a JSON object and convert that JSON into a Base64 blob before the storage operation. So, to restore the view parameters we need to revert this process.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.views.js, line 115

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#restoreView

See also: OrientDB , Base64


Saves the storage value in the server using a jQuery.ajax request.

Source: dashboard/, line 127

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#saveStorage

setAddInDefaults(type, subType, addInName, defaults)

Sets the default options of an add-in.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.addIns.js, line 177

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#setAddInDefaults

Name Default Value Summary
type : string

Type of the add-in, usually the component type where this add-in will be available.

subType : string

The subtype of the add-in.

addInName : string

The add-in name.

defaults : Object

The default options. This is a JSON object specifying the default options. The options are dependent on which add-in is being used.

setBookmarkable(parameter, value)

It sets parameter as bookmarkable, with value equal to true or value if provided.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.bookmarkable.js, line 122

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#setBookmarkable

Name Default Value Summary
parameter : string

The name of the parameter to be stored.

value : Object

The value for the parameter.


Overrides a bookmark state with a given state.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.bookmarkable.js, line 190

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#setBookmarkState

Name Default Value Summary
state : Object

The new state to override the existing state.

setDataSource(name, obj)

Adds a data source. If a data source already exists with the same name, it is replaced with the new one.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.dataSources.js, line 175

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#setDataSource

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | Object

The name of the data source.

obj : Object | undefined

The data source to be added.


Sets the globalContext value.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 374

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#setGlobalContext

Name Default Value Summary
globalContext : boolean

Flag indicating if global context is to be activated.

setI18nSupport(locale, i18nRef)

Sets the current locale and i18n options.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.i18n.js, line 128

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#setI18nSupport

Name Default Value Summary
locale : string

Locale code.

i18nRef : Object

Additional i18 options.

setParam(parameterName, parameterValue, isNotified) : undefined

Alias for setParameter.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 369

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#setParam

Name Default Value Summary
parameterName : String

The parameter name.

parameterValue : Object

The value of the parameter.

isNotified : Boolean

A flag indicating if a parameterName:fireChange event is to be triggered when the parameter value changes.

Name Description

If parameter name is not valid.

setParameter(parameterName, parameterValue, isNotified)

Stores a parameter value with a certain parameter name. If the parameter name is not valid, undefined is returned immediately.

Since parameters are stored using the Backbone event model, an extra parameter - isNotified - can be used to control the Backbone event listeners.

If escapeParameterValues is true, then encode_prepare_arr is called before the parameter value is stored.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.parameters.js, line 339

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#setParameter

Name Default Value Summary
parameterName : String

The parameter name.

parameterValue : Object

The value of the parameter.

isNotified : Boolean

A flag indicating if a parameterName:fireChange event is to be triggered when the parameter value changes.

setParameterViewMode(parameter, value)

Sets the view flag for a given parameter. If none is provided it defaults to viewFlags.VIEW.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.views.js, line 143

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#setParameterViewMode

Name Default Value Summary
parameter : string

The name of the parameter.

value : string "view"

The value of the view flag for the parameter. If none is provided, it defaults to viewFlags.VIEW.

setSettingsValue(name, object)

Sets a setting in the server.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 290

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#setSettingsValue

Name Default Value Summary
name : string

Name of the setting.

object : Object

Value for the setting.


Creates an empty HTML div element for showing error messages.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 221

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#showErrorTooltip


Makes the progress indicator visible if the dashboard is not in silent mode. By default this is a draggable blocking div which shows a spinner.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.notifications.js, line 122

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#showProgressIndicator

syncDebugLevel() : number

Sets the debug level. If the URL parameter debug has value of true and the value of the URL parameter debugLevel is a valid numeric value, it will set the debug level according to the latter. If an error occurs while reading the URL parameters, or debug is not set to true, the debug level is set to 1.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.js, line 352

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#syncDebugLevel

Name Description

The new debug level value according to the debugLevel URL parameter. It is 1 if an error occurs while parsing the URL, if the debugLevel has an invalid numeric value, or if the debug parameter is not set to true.


Adds a component to the "to be updated" queue and starts a timer. If the timer finishes before this method is called again, the updateAll method is called, updating all the components in the queue.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 615

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#update

Name Default Value Summary
component : cdf.components.BaseComponent

The component to update.


Updates a specific component.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.lifecycle.js, line 647

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#updateComponent

Name Default Value Summary
object : cdf.components.BaseComponent

The component to update.

urlAction(url, params, func) : Object | string

Calls an arbitrary URL expecting the result content type to be xml.

Source: dashboard/Dashboard.legacy.js, line 82

Inherited From: cdf.dashboard.Dashboard#urlAction

Name Default Value Summary
url : string

The URL to call.

params : Object

The parameter object.

func : function

Callback function.

Name Description
Object | string

The return value of executing executeAjax.

See also: executeAjax