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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Add a Checksum

Parent article

This step calculates checksums for one or more fields in the input stream and add this to the output as a new field.

Add a Checksum step dialog


The Add a Checksum step has the following options:

Step nameSpecify the unique name of the Add a Checksum step on the canvas. You can customize the name or leave it as the default.

Specify the type of checksum you want to calculate. The available types include:

Result type

If you specifed MD5, SHA-1, or SHA-256 in the Type option above, you can select one of these result types:

  • String
  • Hexadecimal
  • Binary
Result fieldSpecify the name of the field that contains the checksum.
Compatibility ModeSelect for backward compatibility of the step with transformations created before PDI version 4.2.0 and its inherent hexadecimal encoding issue.
Old Checksum Behaviour Mode

If checked, the incoming fields will be treated as strings

NoteA binary field type will produce the string representation of a byte array.

If unchecked, all incoming fields will be treated as byte arrays.

FieldIn the table, specify which fields you want read into the transformation from the CSV file.
Get FieldsClick Get Fields to have the step populate the table with fields derived from the source file. All fields identified by this step will be added to the table.


Your Pentaho distribution contains a CRC32 sample located in this folder:

design-tools/data-integration/samples/transformations/Add a checksum - Basic CRC32 example.ktr

Metadata injection support

All fields of this step support metadata injection. You can use this step with ETL metadata injection to pass metadata to your transformation at runtime.