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Text File Output

Parent article

The Text file output step exports data to a text file. This step is commonly used to generate comma separated values (CSV) files that can be read by spreadsheet applications, and can also be used to generate files of a specific length.

NoteIt is not possible to execute this step in parallel to write to the same file. Instead, use the Include stepnr in filename option and then merge the files afterward.

AEL considerations

When using the Text File Output step with the Adaptive Execution Layer, the following factors affect performance and results:

  • Spark processes null values differently than the Pentaho engine. You will need to adjust your transformation to successfully process null values according to Spark's processing rules.
  • If you are using this step to write data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), specify the URI of the S3 system through the Filename option in the File tab. S3 and S3n are supported.
  • For the Filename option in the File tab, Spark attempts to create a new directory structure based on the name entered. The new directory structure contains subdirectories and CSV files corresponding to the processing results. For example: /_SUCCESS, PART-00000-.CSV, PART-00001-.CSV, etc.
    NoteIf a directory with the name specified in the Filename option already exists, Spark does not overwrite it and the transformation aborts. You must specify a different directory name or delete the existing directory structure, including all the subdirectories and files contained within it.
  • Spark ignores the Create Parent Folder option in the File tab, whether it is selected or cleared. Spark attempts to create a new directory structure, based on how Spark processes the Filename option.


Enter the following information in the transformation step name field:

  • Step name: Specifies the unique name of the Text file output transformation step on the canvas. You can customize the name or leave it as the default.


The Text file output step features several tabs. Each tab is described below.

File tab

File tab

On the File tab, you can define basic properties about the file being created by this step.


Specify the file name and location of the output file.

Do not include a file extension when the date and time are to be appended and the Extension option is specified.

Pass output to servletSelect to return the data using a web service instead of writing to a file (see Web services steps for information).
Create Parent folderClear if you do not want to create a parent folder for the output file.
Do not create file at startSelect to avoid the creation of empty files when no rows are processed.
Accept file name from field?

Select to assign the output file name(s) as found in the input stream and selected using the File name field option.

This setting can be fine-tuned with the Kettle properties file. See Improving performance when writing multiple files .

File name fieldSpecify the field in the input stream that will contain the file name(s) at runtime.
ExtensionSpecify the three-letter file extension to append to the file name. The default is .txt.
Include stepnr in filename?Select to include the copy number in the file name (_0, for example) when you run the step in multiple copies (launching several copies of a step).
Include partition nr in filename?Select to include the data partition number in the file name.
Include date in filename?Select to include the system date in the file name (_20181231, for example).
Include time in filename?Select to include the system time in the file name (_235959, for example).
Specify Date time formatSelect to include the date time in the file name using a format from the Date time format drop-down list.
Date time formatSelect the date time format.
Show filename(s) (button)Click to display a list of the files that will be generated. This is a simulation and depends on the number of rows that go into each file.
Add filenames to resultClear if you do not want to add file names to the output file.

Content tab

Content tab

The Content tab allows you to include the following options for the output text file.

AppendSelect to append lines to the end of the file.
SeparatorSpecify the character used to separate the fields in a single line of text, typically a semicolon or tab. Click Insert Tab to place a tab in the Separator field. The default value is semicolon (;).
EnclosureSpecify to enclose fields with a pair of specified strings. It allows for separator characters in fields. This setting is optional and can be left blank. The default value is double quotes (").
Force the enclosure around fields?Specify to force all field names to be enclosed with the character specified in the Enclosure option.
Disable the enclosure fix?Specify to disregard enclosures on string fields and separators.
HeaderClear to indicate that the first line in the output file is not a header row.

Select to specify that the last line in the output file is a footer row.

When using the Append option, it is not possible to strip a footer from the file content before appending new rows.

Format Specify the type of formatting to use. It can be either DOS or UNIX. UNIX files have lines separated by line feeds, while DOS files have lines separated by carriage returns and line feeds. The default value is CR + LF (Windows, DOS).
CompressionSpecify the type of compression (.ZIP or Gzip) to use when compressing the output file. Only one file is placed in a single archive. The default value is None.
EncodingSpecify the file encoding to use. Leave blank to use the default encoding on your system. To use Unicode, specify UTF-8 or UTF-16. On first use, PDI searches your system for available encodings.
Right pad fieldsSelect to add spaces to the end of the fields (or remove characters at the end) until the length specified in the table under the Fields tab is reached.
Fast data dump (no formatting)Select to improve the performance when dumping large amounts of data to a file by not including any formatting information.
Split every ... rowsSpecify to split the resulting file into multiple parts of N rows if the number N is larger than zero.
Add Ending line of fileSpecify an alternate ending row to the output file.

Fields tab

Fields tab

The Fields tab allows you to define the properties for the fields being exported.

NameSpecify the name of the field.
TypeSelect the field's data type from the dropdown list or enter it manually.
FormatSelect the format mask (number type) from the dropdown list or enter it manually. See Common Formats for information on common valid date and numeric formats you can use in this step.

Specify the length of the field, according to the following field types:

  • Number

    Total number of significant figures in a number.

  • String

    Total length of string.

  • Date

    Total length of printed output of the string. For example, 4 only returns the year.

PrecisionSpecify the number of floating point digits for number-type fields.
CurrencySpecify the symbol used to represent currencies (for example, $ or ).
DecimalSpecify the symbol used to represent a decimal point, either a dot (.) as in 10,000.00 or it can be a comma (,) as in 5.000,00.
GroupSpecify the method used to separate units of thousands in numbers of four digits or larger, either a comma (,) as in 10,000.00 or (.) as in 5.000,00.
Trim typeSelect the trimming method (none, left, right, or both) to apply to a string, which truncates the field before processing. Trimming only works when no field length is specified.
NullSpecify the string to insert into the output text file when the value of the field is null.
Get Fields (button)Click to retrieve a list of fields from the input stream.
Minimal width (button)Click to minimize the field length by removing unnecessary characters. If selected, string fields will no longer be padded to their specified length.

See also

If you want to use a text file output to run a command, script, or database bulk loader, see the Text File Output (Legacy) transformation step.

Metadata injection support

All fields of this step support metadata injection. You can use this step with ETL metadata injection to pass metadata to your transformation at runtime.