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Or Or

The Or filter represents a boolean disjunction (an Or) filter.

This filter selects the elements that are selected by at least one of a series of other filters: operands.

In terms of set operations, the Or filter corresponds to the union of all of its operands' subsets.

AMD Module

require(["pentaho/data/filter/Or"], function(Or) { /* code goes here */ });



Name Description
new Or(spec)

Creates an Or filter.


Name Description
$changeset :  pentaho.type.action.Changeset

Gets the changeset of this instance in the ambient transaction, if any, or null.

$contentKey :  string

Gets a key that identifies the content of this filter.

$hasChanges :  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this instance has any changes in the ambient transaction.

$isValid :  boolean

Determines if this value is a valid.

$key :  string

Gets the key of the complex value.

$references :  Array.<object>

Gets the references to this container, or null, if none.

$type :  pentaho.type.ValueType

Gets the type of this instance.

$uid :  string

Gets the unique identifier of the instance.

$version :  number

Gets the current version of the instance.

__compiled :  function

The compiled predicate function. Lazily created.

_inverseClass :  Class.<>

Gets the inverse filter class.

base :  function

If a method has been overridden, then the base method provides access to the overridden method.

isNot :  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this filter is a Not filter.

isProperty :  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this filter is a Property filter.

isTerminal :  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this filter is terminal.

kind :  string

Gets the kind of this filter.

operands :  pentaho.type.List.<>

Gets the list of operands of this filter.


Name Description
_buildContentKey() : string

Builds the content key.

_compare(other) : number

Compares this element to a distinct, non-equal element of the same type according to its relative order.

_compile() : function

Compiles a predicate function that tests if the filter contains a given element.


Configures this value with a given distinct and non-Nully configuration.

_configureOrCreate(config) : pentaho.type.Element

Configures this value with a given distinct and non-Nully configuration, if it is possible. Otherwise creates and returns a new value based on this one, but with the configuration applied.

_configureProperty(propType, valueConfig)

Configures a property with a given value specification.

_createChangeset(transaction) : pentaho.type.action.Changeset

Creates a changeset with this container as target and returns it.

_emit(event) : pentaho.lang.Event

Emits an unstructured event and returns it, unless it was canceled.

_emitGeneric(source, eventArgs, type, phase, keyArgs) : boolean

Emits an event given an arbitrary payload object, its type and phase. Returns the event payload object, unless the event is canceled.

_emitGenericAllAsync(source, eventArgs, type, phase, keyArgs) : Promise.<object>

Emits an event asynchronously, given an arbitrary payload object, its type and phase, and succeeding if every listener succeeds.

_emitSafe(event) : pentaho.lang.Event

Variation of the _emit method in which errors thrown by event listeners are caught and logged.

_equals(other) : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if a given distinct, non-null value of the same type represents the same entity.

_hasListeners(type, phase) : boolean

Determines if there are any registrations for a given event type and, optionally, phase.


Initializes a shallow clone of this container.


Initializes a container instance.


Initializes the properties of the complex instance from a the given specification.


Emits the finally phase event of a change action execution.

_onChangeInit(actionExecution, keyArgs)

Emits the init phase event of a change action execution.


Emits the will phase event of a change action execution.

_operation(operands) : pentaho.filter.Abstract

Performs the boolean operation including its operands and the additional operands provided as arguments.

_visitDefault(transformer) :

Creates a filter that is a transformed version of this filter, the default way.

and(filters) :

Creates a filter that is the conjunction (intersection) between this filter and a variable number of other filters.

andNot(exclude) :

Creates a filter that is the "difference" between this filter and a variable number of other filters.


Ensures that the value is valid, and throws the first validation error if it is not.

clone() : pentaho.type.Value

Creates a shallow clone of this value.

compare(other) : number

Compares this element to another according to its relative order.

compile() : function

Compiles a predicate function that tests if the filter contains a given element.


Configures this value with a given configuration.

configureOrCreate(config) : pentaho.type.Element

Configures this value with a given configuration, if it is possible. Otherwise creates and returns a new value based on this one, but with the configuration applied.

contains(elem) : boolean

Determines if an element is selected by this filter.

countOf(name, sloppy) : number

Gets the number of values of a given property.

countRangeOf(name) : pentaho.IRange

Gets the current valid count range of values of a given property.

domainOf(name) : Array.<pentaho.type.Element>

Gets the current list of valid values of a given property.

equals(other) : boolean

Determines if a given value represents the same entity.

extend(source, keyArgs) : object

Extend an object with the properties of another.

get(name, sloppy) : pentaho.type.Value | Nully

Gets the value of a property.

getf(name, sloppy) : string

Gets the string representation of the value of a property.

getv(name, sloppy) : * | pentaho.type.Complex | pentaho.type.List | Nully

Gets the primitive value of the value of a property.

isApplicableOf(name) : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if a given property is currently applicable.

isDefaultedOf(name) : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if a given property has assumed a default value.

isEnabledOf(name) : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if a given property is currently enabled.

isRequiredOf(name) : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if a given property is currently required.

negate() :

Creates a filter that is the negation of this filter.

off(typeOrHandle, observer)

Removes one registration given its handle, or all registrations of a given event type (or types) and observer (or listener function).

on(type, observer, keyArgs) : pentaho.lang.IEventRegistrationHandle

Registers an observer (or listener function) for an event(s) of a given type(s).

or(filters) :

Creates a filter that is the disjunction between this filter and any number of other filters.

set(name, valueSpec)

Sets the value of a property.

toDnf() : | |

Converts a copy of this filter into Disjunctive Normal Form and returns it.

toExtensional(dataPlain, keyColumnNames) : |

Gets the extensional representation of a Filter by specifying the clauses that select data by inclusion. If the resulting filtered data of a filter is empty then the false filter is returned

toJSON() : JsonValue

Creates a top-level JSON specification that describes this instance.

toSpec(keyArgs) : pentaho.type.spec.Instance

Creates a specification that describes this value.

toSpecInContext(keyArgs) : *

Creates a specification that describes this instance.

visit(transformer) :

Creates a filter that is a transformed version of this filter.

visitOperands(transformer, keyArgs) : Array.<>

Creates transformed versions of the operands of this filter.

Constructor Details

new Or(spec)

Creates an Or filter.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/_core/Or.js, line 35

Name Default Value Summary
spec :

A tree filter specification.

Members Details

$changeset:  pentaho.type.action.Changeset

Gets the changeset of this instance in the ambient transaction, if any, or null.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 213

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#$changeset

$contentKey:  string

Gets a key that identifies the content of this filter.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 138

Inherited From:$contentKey

$hasChanges:  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this instance has any changes in the ambient transaction.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 223

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#$hasChanges

$isValid:  boolean

Determines if this value is a valid.

This attribute calls validate and returns a boolean value indicating if it returned no errors.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Value.js, line 168

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Value#$isValid

$key:  string

Gets the key of the complex value.

The default complex implementation returns the value of the $uid property.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 187

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#$key

$references:  Array.<object>

Gets the references to this container, or null, if none.

Note that the returned array may be empty.

Do NOT change the returned array or its elements in any way.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 156

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#$references

$type:  pentaho.type.ValueType

Gets the type of this instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Value.js, line 334


$uid:  string

Gets the unique identifier of the instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 75

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#$uid

$version:  number

Gets the current version of the instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 187

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#$version

__compiled:  function

The compiled predicate function. Lazily created.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 197

Inherited From:

_inverseClass:  Class.<>

Gets the inverse filter class.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/_core/Tree.js, line 71


base:  function

If a method has been overridden, then the base method provides access to the overridden method.

Can also be called from within a constructor function.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/Base.js, line 299

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.Base#base

isNot:  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this filter is a Not filter.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 112

Inherited From:

isProperty:  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this filter is a Property filter.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 122

Inherited From:

isTerminal:  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this filter is terminal.

The non-terminal filter types are Or, And, and Not.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 102

Inherited From:

kind:  string

Gets the kind of this filter.

The values of the standard, concrete filter kinds are available in the KnownFilterKind enumeration.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 78


operands:  pentaho.type.List.<>

Gets the list of operands of this filter.

This getter is a shorthand for this.get("operands").

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/_core/Tree.js, line 230

Inherited From:

Methods Details

_buildContentKey() : string

Builds the content key.

The return value is automatically augmented with the kind of filter information.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 160

Inherited From:

Name Description

The content key.

_compare(other) : number

Compares this element to a distinct, non-equal element of the same type according to its relative order.

The default implementation does a lexicographical comparison of the elements' keys.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Element.js, line 105

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Element#_compare

Name Default Value Summary
other : pentaho.type.Element

The other element value.

Name Description

-1 if this value is before other; 1 if this value is after other; 0, otherwise.

See also: pentaho.type.Element#compare , pentaho.type.Value#equals

_compile() : function

Compiles a predicate function that tests if the filter contains a given element.

This method can assume that the filter is valid.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 227


Name Description

The predicate function.


Configures this value with a given distinct and non-Nully configuration.

This method can only be called when there is an ambient transaction.

The default implementation throws an error if this value's type is read-only.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Value.js, line 264

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Value#_configure

Name Default Value Summary
config : *

The distinct, non-Nully configuration.

Name Description

When the value would be changed and its type is read-only.

See also: pentaho.type.Value#configure , pentaho.type.Complex#_configure , pentaho.type.List#_configure

_configureOrCreate(config) : pentaho.type.Element

Configures this value with a given distinct and non-Nully configuration, if it is possible. Otherwise creates and returns a new value based on this one, but with the configuration applied.

This method can only be called when there is an ambient transaction.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Element.js, line 175

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Element#_configureOrCreate

Name Default Value Summary
config : *

The non-Nully configuration. Assumed distinct from this.

Name Description

this, already configured, or a new value.

See also: pentaho.type.Element#configureOrCreate , pentaho.type.Value#configure

_configureProperty(propType, valueConfig)

Configures a property with a given value specification.

Execution proceeds as follows:

  1. If the property is a list property:

  2. If the config value is null, the list is cleared by calling the List#clear method;

  3. Otherwise, if the config value is distinct from the current list value, execution is delegated to the List.configure method;

  4. If the property is an element property:

  5. If either the current value or the config value are null, then the config value replaces the current value;

  6. Otherwise, execution is delegated to the Element#configureOrCreate method; if it returns an element distinct from the current value, then that value replaces the current value.

If in any of the described steps, an error is thrown if a change would result to the property's value and the property is read-only. Also, an error is thrown if the value itself would have to be mutated and its type is read-only.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 483

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#_configureProperty

Name Default Value Summary
propType : pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property to configure.

valueConfig : *

A value specification. Not undefined.

Name Description

When the property value would be replaced or, in case of list properties, its elements would be added, moved or removed and the property is read-only.


When the property's current value would be mutated and its type is read-only.

_createChangeset(transaction) : pentaho.type.action.Changeset

Creates a changeset with this container as target and returns it.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 248

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#_createChangeset

Name Default Value Summary
transaction : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

The transaction that owns this changeset.

Name Description

A changeset of the appropriate type.

_emit(event) : pentaho.lang.Event

Emits an unstructured event and returns it, unless it was canceled.

When this method is called, the listeners of existing registrations are notified synchronously, by priority order and then registration order, until either the event is canceled or all of the listeners have been notified.

It is safe to register or unregister to/from an event type while it is being emitted. However, changes are only taken into account in subsequent emissions.

If a listener function throws an error, the event processing is interrupted. No more registrations are processed and the error is passed to the caller.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/EventSource.js, line 269

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emit

Name Default Value Summary
event : pentaho.lang.Event

The event object.

Name Description
pentaho.lang.Event | null

The given event object or null, when canceled.

See also: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitSafe , pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitGeneric

_emitGeneric(source, eventArgs, type, phase, keyArgs) : boolean

Emits an event given an arbitrary payload object, its type and phase. Returns the event payload object, unless the event is canceled.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/EventSource.js, line 325

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitGeneric

Name Default Value Summary
source : object

The this value of listener functions.

eventArgs : Array

The arguments of listener functions.

type : nonEmptyString

The type of the event.

phase : nonEmptyString

The phase of the event. For unstructured events don't specify this argument (or specify a Nully value).

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments' object.

Name Default Value Summary
isCanceled : function

A predicate that indicates if the given event arguments are in a canceled state. Its this value is the value of source.

errorHandler : function

When specified with a null value, no error handling is performed and errors thrown by listeners are thrown back to this method's caller. When unspecified or specified as undefined, defaults to a function that simply logs the listener errors, and lets execution continue to the following listeners. The function arguments are: the error, the eventArgs, the event type and the event phase. Its this value is the value of source.

interceptor : function

A function which is called for each event listener function, with the arguments listener, source, eventArgs and the index of the listener.

Name Description

false when the event is canceled; true, otherwise.

_emitGenericAllAsync(source, eventArgs, type, phase, keyArgs) : Promise.<object>

Emits an event asynchronously, given an arbitrary payload object, its type and phase, and succeeding if every listener succeeds.

Listeners are called in parallel.

Returns a promise that is fulfilled or rejected with the event payload object. If any listener throws or rejects, the returned promise is rejected as well.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/EventSource.js, line 454

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitGenericAllAsync

Name Default Value Summary
source : object

The this value of listener functions.

eventArgs : Array

The arguments of listener functions.

type : nonEmptyString

The type of the event.

phase : nonEmptyString

The phase of the event. For unstructured events don't specify this argument (or specify a Nully value).

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments' object.

Name Default Value Summary
isCanceled : function

A predicate that indicates if the given event arguments are in a canceled state. Its this value is the value of source.

getCancellationReason : function

A function that given the event arguments returns its a cancellation reason, usually an Error. Its this value is the value of source.

errorHandler : function

When specified with a null value, no error handling is performed. Errors thrown by, or promises rejected by, any listeners cause the whole event to be rejected.

When unspecified or specified as undefined, defaults to a function that simply logs any listener errors, yet always succeeding.

The function arguments are: the error, the event, the event type and the event phase.

Name Description

A promise. When fulfilled, it is with the value undefined. When rejected due to a thrown error, the rejection reason is that error. When explicitly rejected by the error handler, the given rejection reason is preserved. When rejected due to a cancellation, the rejection reason is the cancellation reason, if any.

_emitSafe(event) : pentaho.lang.Event

Variation of the _emit method in which errors thrown by event listeners are caught and logged.

If an event listener throws an error, the following event listeners are still processed.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/EventSource.js, line 291

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitSafe

Name Default Value Summary
event : pentaho.lang.Event

The event object.

Name Description
pentaho.lang.Event | null

The given event object or null, when canceled.

See also: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emit , pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitGeneric

_equals(other) : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if a given distinct, non-null value of the same type represents the same entity.

The default implementation considers two values equal if they have the equal keys.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Value.js, line 135

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Value#_equals

Name Default Value Summary
other : pentaho.type.Value

A distinct value to test for equality.

Name Description

true if the given value is equal to this one; false, otherwise.

See also: pentaho.type.Value#equals , pentaho.type.Value#$key

_hasListeners(type, phase) : boolean

Determines if there are any registrations for a given event type and, optionally, phase.

This method can be used to avoid creating expensive event objects for an event type and, optionally, phase, that don't have registrations.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/EventSource.js, line 218

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_hasListeners

Name Default Value Summary
type : nonEmptyString

The type of the event.

phase : nonEmptyString

The phase of a structured event. For unstructured events don't specify this argument. For structured events, if this argument is not specified, the result will be true if there are any listeners, for any of the phases.

Name Description

true if the event has any listeners for the given event type and phase; false, otherwise.


if(this._hasListeners("click")) {

 var event = new Event("click", this, true);

 if(this._emit(event)) {
 // ...
if(this._hasListeners("select")) {

 var event = new Event("select");

 if(this._emitGeneric(this, [event], "select", "will")) {

 // Select ...

 this._emitGeneric(this, [event], "select", "finally");

Initializes a shallow clone of this container.

The default implementation calls pentaho.type.mixins.Container#_initContainer.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 140

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#_initClone

Name Default Value Summary
clone : pentaho.type.mixins.Container

The cloned container to initialize.


Initializes a container instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 74

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#_initContainer


Initializes the properties of the complex instance from a the given specification.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 120

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#_initProperties

Name Default Value Summary
spec : pentaho.type.spec.Complex

A complex specification.


Emits the finally phase event of a change action execution.

The default implementation delegates to _emitGeneric.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 315

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#_onChangeFinally

Name Default Value Summary
actionExecution : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

The action execution.

_onChangeInit(actionExecution, keyArgs)

Emits the init phase event of a change action execution.

The default implementation delegates to _emitGeneric.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 274

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#_onChangeInit

Name Default Value Summary
actionExecution : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

The action execution.

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments' object.


Emits the will phase event of a change action execution.

The default implementation delegates to _emitGeneric.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 297

Inherited From: pentaho.type.mixins.Container#_onChangeWill

Name Default Value Summary
actionExecution : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

The action execution.

_operation(operands) : pentaho.filter.Abstract

Performs the boolean operation including its operands and the additional operands provided as arguments.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/_core/Tree.js, line 100

Inherited From:

Name Default Value Summary
operands : *

The additional operands.

Name Description

The resulting filter.

_visitDefault(transformer) :

Creates a filter that is a transformed version of this filter, the default way.

This implementation visits existing operands and, if none are modified, this is returned. Otherwise, a new filter of the same type and with the transformed operands is returned.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/_core/Tree.js, line 153

Inherited From:

Name Default Value Summary
transformer :

The transformer function.

Name Description

The transformed filter.

See also:

and(filters) :

Creates a filter that is the conjunction (intersection) between this filter and a variable number of other filters.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 312

Inherited From:

Name Default Value Summary
filters : Array.<>

The filters to be intersected with this one.

Name Description

The resulting filter.

andNot(exclude) :

Creates a filter that is the "difference" between this filter and a variable number of other filters.

This operation is implemented in such a way as to not cause the term explosion that is likely to occur when trying to convert the result with a naive implementation to DNF:

var result = this.and(filter.negate());

var willIEverGetAResult = result.toDnf();

This implementation works first by converting both this filter and the exclude argument to DNF, assuming that these can be so converted in a reasonable time. Then, the difference is performed using an efficient algorithm.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 343

Inherited From:

Name Default Value Summary
exclude :

The filter to be "subtracted" from this one.

Name Description

The resulting filter (not necessarily in DNF form).

See also:


Ensures that the value is valid, and throws the first validation error if it is not.

This method calls the validate method.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Value.js, line 202

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Value#assertValid

Name Description

When the value is not valid, the first error returned by the validate method.

clone() : pentaho.type.Value

Creates a shallow clone of this value.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Value.js, line 93

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Value#clone

Name Description

The value clone.

compare(other) : number

Compares this element to another according to its relative order.

Execution proceeds as follows:

  1. If other is Nully, it is considered to occur before this one;
  2. If other is identical to this one, as per JavaScript's === operator, it has the same order;
  3. If other does not have the same constructor as this one, it has the same order;
  4. If other is _equals to this one, it has the same order;
  5. Otherwise, the operation is delegated to the first value's _compare method.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Element.js, line 76

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Element#compare

Name Default Value Summary
other : pentaho.type.Element | undefined

The other element value.

Name Description

-1 if this value is before other; 1 if this value is after other; 0, otherwise.

See also: pentaho.type.Element#_compare , pentaho.type.Value#equals

compile() : function

Compiles a predicate function that tests if the filter contains a given element.

When the filter is not valid, an error is thrown. Otherwise, this method delegates to the _compile method.

The result of this method is cached.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 214

Inherited From:

Name Description

The predicate function.

Name Description

When the filter is not valid, the first error returned by the validate method.


Configures this value with a given configuration.

This method ensures a transaction exists and then delegates to _configure.

For more information on the semantics of configuration, see Complex#_configure and List#_configure.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Value.js, line 232

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Value#configure

Name Default Value Summary
config : *

The value configuration.

Name Description

When the value would be changed and its type is read-only.

See also: pentaho.type.Element#configureOrCreate , pentaho.type.Complex#_configure , pentaho.type.List#_configure

configureOrCreate(config) : pentaho.type.Element

Configures this value with a given configuration, if it is possible. Otherwise creates and returns a new value based on this one, but with the configuration applied.

If the given configuration is Nully or identical to this, then this is immediately returned. Otherwise, this method ensures that a transaction exists and delegates to the _configureOrCreate method.

This method considers configuration to not be possible in the following situations:

  1. this instance is of a read-only type;
  2. config is of an isEntity type and is not equals to this value;
  3. config is not an instance of an isEntity type but is an instance of Value and its constructor is not the same as this;
  4. config is not an instance of Value - it is a specification and: 4.1. it contains an inline type property, _, identifying a different type than that of this instance; 4.2. this instance is of an isEntity type and config contains key properties that reference another entity.

If configuration is considered possible, the actual configuration is delegated to the configure method.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Element.js, line 141

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Element#configureOrCreate

Name Default Value Summary
config : *

The value configuration.

Name Description

this value, if the configuration could be applied to it; a new, configured value, if not.

contains(elem) : boolean

Determines if an element is selected by this filter.

This method applies the predicate function returned by to the given element.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 188

Inherited From:

Name Default Value Summary
elem : pentaho.type.Element

The candidate dataset element.

Name Description

true if this filter contains element, or false otherwise.

Name Description

When the filter is not valid, the first error returned by the validate method.

countOf(name, sloppy) : number

Gets the number of values of a given property.

When the specified property is a list property, its count is returned.

When the specified property is not a list property, 0 is returned if it is null; 1, otherwise.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 524

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#countOf

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or type object.

sloppy : boolean

Indicates if an error is thrown if the specified property is not defined.

Name Description

The number of values.

Name Description

When sloppy is false and a property with name name is not defined.

countRangeOf(name) : pentaho.IRange

Gets the current valid count range of values of a given property.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 574

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#countRangeOf

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or type object.

Name Description

The range of the property.

Name Description

When a property with name name is not defined.

domainOf(name) : Array.<pentaho.type.Element>

Gets the current list of valid values of a given property.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 607

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#domainOf

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or type object.

Name Description

An array of elements if the property is constrained; null otherwise.

Name Description

When a property with name name is not defined.

equals(other) : boolean

Determines if a given value represents the same entity.

This method checks if the given value is identical to this one. Otherwise, if not Nully and has the same constructor, execution is delegated to this value's _equals method.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Value.js, line 116

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Value#equals

Name Default Value Summary
other : pentaho.type.Value

A value to test for equality.

Name Description

true if the given value is equal to this one; or, false, otherwise.

See also: pentaho.type.Value#_equals

extend(source, keyArgs) : object

Extend an object with the properties of another.

Methods that are overridden are accessible through this.base.

This object is extended, but its class doesn't change.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/Base.js, line 1040

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.Base#extend

Name Default Value Summary
source : object

The instance specification.

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments.

Name Default Value Summary
exclude : object

A map of property names to exclude from source.

Name Description

This object.

get(name, sloppy) : pentaho.type.Value | Nully

Gets the value of a property.

If the specified property is not defined and sloppy is true, undefined is returned.

A list property always has a non-null value, possibly an empty list, but never null. An element property can have a null value.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 248

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#get

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or type object.

sloppy : boolean

Indicates if an error is thrown if the specified property is not defined.

Name Description
pentaho.type.Value | Nully

The value of the property, or a Nully value.

Name Description

When sloppy is false and a property with name name is not defined.

See also: pentaho.type.Complex#getv , pentaho.type.Complex#getf

getf(name, sloppy) : string

Gets the string representation of the value of a property.

This method reads the value of the property by calling Complex#get.

When the latter returns a Nully value, "" is returned. Otherwise, the result of the value's toString() method is returned.

For a Simple type, this corresponds to returning its formatted attribute, when it is not null. For Complex and List types, varies with the implementation.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 339

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#getf

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or type object.

sloppy : boolean

Indicates if an error is thrown if the specified property is not defined.

Name Description

The string representation of the value, or "".

Name Description

When sloppy is false and a property with name name is not defined.

See also: pentaho.type.Complex#get , pentaho.type.Complex#getv

getv(name, sloppy) : * | pentaho.type.Complex | pentaho.type.List | Nully

Gets the primitive value of the value of a property.

This method reads the value of the property by calling Complex#get.

When the latter does not return a Nully value, the result of the value's valueOf() method is returned.

For a Simple type, this corresponds to returning its value attribute. For Complex and List types, this corresponds to the value itself.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 310

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#getv

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or type object.

sloppy : boolean

Indicates if an error is thrown if the specified property is not defined.

Name Description
* | pentaho.type.Complex | pentaho.type.List | Nully

The primitive value of a Simple, the Complex or List value itself, or a Nully value.

Name Description

When sloppy is false and a property with name name is not defined.

See also: pentaho.type.Complex#get , pentaho.type.Complex#getf

isApplicableOf(name) : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if a given property is currently applicable.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 544

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#isApplicableOf

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or type object.

Name Description

true if the property is applicable; false, otherwise.

Name Description

When a property with name name is not defined.

isDefaultedOf(name) : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if a given property has assumed a default value.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 259

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#isDefaultedOf

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or type object.

Name Description

Returns true if the property has been defaulted; false, otherwise.

isEnabledOf(name) : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if a given property is currently enabled.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 559

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#isEnabledOf

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or property type object.

Name Description

Returns true if the property is enabled; false, otherwise.

Name Description

When a property with name name is not defined.

isRequiredOf(name) : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if a given property is currently required.

A property is currently required if its current pentaho.type.Complex#countRangeOf minimum is at least 1.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 592

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#isRequiredOf

Name Default Value Summary
name : string | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or type object.

Name Description

true if the property is required; false, otherwise.

Name Description

When a property with name name is not defined.

negate() :

Creates a filter that is the negation of this filter.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 284

Inherited From:

Name Description

A negated filter.

off(typeOrHandle, observer)

Removes one registration given its handle, or all registrations of a given event type (or types) and observer (or listener function).

To remove an event registration, it is sufficient to call the dispose method of the registration handle returned by on, upon registration. Alternatively, as a convenience syntax, the registration handle can be passed as the single argument to this method.

It is safe to unregister from an event type while it is being emitted. However, any registrations removed during the current emission will still execute.

Specifying an event registration handle that has already been disposed of has no effect. Specifying an event type and observer (or listener function) that have no registrations has no effect.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/lang/IEventSource.jsdoc, line 131

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#off

Name Default Value Summary
typeOrHandle : nonEmptyString | Array.<nonEmptyString> | pentaho.lang.IEventRegistrationHandle

The type or types of events, or an event registration handle to dispose of. When a string, it can be a comma-separated list of event types.

observer : pentaho.lang.IEventObserver | pentaho.lang.EventListener | pentaho.lang.EventListenerAsync

The event observer (or listener function). Required when typeOrHandle is not an event registration handle; ignored, otherwise.

See also: pentaho.lang.IEventSource#on

on(type, observer, keyArgs) : pentaho.lang.IEventRegistrationHandle

Registers an observer (or listener function) for an event(s) of a given type(s).

Optionally, a listening priority may be specified to adjust the order by which an observer is notified, relative to other listeners.

Note that if an observer is registered more than once to the same event type, a new registration is created each time and its listeners will be called once per registration.

It is safe to register for an event type while it is being emitted. However, new registrations are only taken into account in subsequent emissions.

When type represents multiple event types, the returned event registration handle is a composite registration for all of the event types.

This method is compatible with the dojo/on API.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/lang/IEventSource.jsdoc, line 90

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#on

Name Default Value Summary
type : nonEmptyString | Array.<nonEmptyString>

The type or types of events. When a string, it can be a comma-separated list of event types.

observer : pentaho.lang.IEventObserver | pentaho.lang.EventListener | pentaho.lang.EventListenerAsync

The event observer (or listener function).

keyArgs : object

Keyword arguments.

Name Default Value Summary
priority : number

The listening priority. Higher priority observers are notified of an event before any lower priority observers. The priority can be set to -Infinity or Infinity. In case two observers are assigned the same priority, the registration order determines which is notified first.

Name Description

An event registration handle that can be used for later removal.

See also: pentaho.lang.IEventSource#off

or(filters) :

Creates a filter that is the disjunction between this filter and any number of other filters.

Disjunctions of disjunction filters (Ors of Ors) are flattened.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/_core/Or.js, line 89


Name Default Value Summary
filters : Array.<>

The filters to be joined with this one.

Name Description

The resulting filter.

set(name, valueSpec)

Sets the value of a property.

The value of List properties is automatically created, when complex instance is constructed, and is never replaced by another list value. However, its contents can be modified. On the other hand, for element properties, their value can be replaced.

Execution proceeds as follows:

  1. If the property is a list property:

  2. If value is Nully, the list is cleared by calling the List#clear method; however, if the property is read-only and the list has any elements, an error is thrown instead;

  3. Otherwise, if value is distinct from the current list value, an elements list is extracted from the given value (see ListType#_normalizeInstanceSpec) and execution is delegated to the List#set method; likewise, if changes to the list would result and the property is read-only, an error is thrown;

  4. If the property is an element property:

  5. If value is Nully, the property's default value, if any, is evaluated and value is set to it; the property's new defaulted status will be true.

  6. Otherwise, if the specified value is not Nully, the property's new defaulted status will be false.

  7. If value is not equal to the current value and/or the property's defaulted status changes:

    1. If the property is read-only, an error is thrown.
    2. Otherwise, the current value and the defaulted status are replaced by the new ones.
    3. A change action is executed, resulting in the change phase events init, will and finally being emitted.
  8. Otherwise, if value and the defaulted status do not change, nothing is done.

In both cases, of element and list properties, when the given value(s) is a specification, it is first constructed, before any comparison with the current value(s) is performed.

Contrast this behavior with that of the configure method, in which specifications aren't considered to have an identity, a priori. Only if these explicitly identify an entity or value which is incompatible with the current value are they assumed to represent a new value that needs to be constructed.

For element properties, specifications are constructed having as default type the valueType of the property.

For list properties, each element's specification is constructed having as default type the elementType of the property's valueType.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Complex.js, line 413

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Complex#set

Name Default Value Summary
name : nonEmptyString | pentaho.type.PropertyType

The property name or type object.

valueSpec : *

A value specification.

Name Description

When a property with name name is not defined.


When the property is read-only and its value would change.

See also: pentaho.type.Value#configure , pentaho.type.Value#isReadOnly , pentaho.action.Execution

toDnf() : | |

Converts a copy of this filter into Disjunctive Normal Form and returns it.

A filter in DNF is one of:

  1. A True filter - filters everything.
  2. A False filter - filters nothing.
  3. An Or of Ands of, possibly negated, (non-degenerate) terminal filters, such as: IsEqual.

DNF is particularly useful for representing filters because, excluding its degenerate cases, it is the natural form of a filter that selects a set of rows, such as:

(country = "us" and productLine = "cars") or (country = "pt" and productLine = "jets")

Generally, DNF conversion is computationally expensive, and, for some types of filters, can not terminate in a reasonable amount of time. One such type of filter is that which results from a difference operation, such as filterA.and(filterB.negate()). Directly converting such a structured filter to DNF will usually not terminate soon enough. For such a reason, and because it is such a common operation, the Filter API provides an optimized difference operator: andNot which is able to keep computational cost low enough for practical cases, . The resulting filter can safely be converted to DNF.

The result of this operation is cached.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 459

Inherited From:

Name Description | |

The resulting DNF filter.

See also:

toExtensional(dataPlain, keyColumnNames) : |

Gets the extensional representation of a Filter by specifying the clauses that select data by inclusion. If the resulting filtered data of a filter is empty then the false filter is returned

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 490

Inherited From:

Name Default Value Summary
dataPlain :

The plain data table to be used when determining the values of the key columns used in the extensional representation of the filter.

keyColumnNames : Array.<string>

The names of the columns from the dataPlain that are considered key.

Name Description |

The extensional filter.

Name Description

When the resulting filtered data is not empty and keyColumnNames is empty.

toJSON() : JsonValue

Creates a top-level JSON specification that describes this instance.

Attributes which do not have a JSON-compatible specification are omitted. Specifically, for inline types, attributes with a function value are not supported.

This method simply calls pentaho.type.Instance#toSpec with argument keyArgs.isJson as true and exists for seamless integration with JavaScript's JSON.stringify method.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Instance.js, line 198

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Instance#toJSON

Name Description
JsonValue | null

A JSON-compatible specification.

See also: pentaho.type.Instance#toSpec

toSpec(keyArgs) : pentaho.type.spec.Instance

Creates a specification that describes this value.

If an ambient specification context, currently exists, it is used to manage the serialization process. Otherwise, one is created and set as current. Then, the actual work is delegated to pentaho.type.Instance#toSpecInContext.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Value.js, line 272

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Value#toSpec

Name Default Value Summary
keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments object. Passed to every value and type serialized within this scope.

Please see the documentation of value subclasses for information on additional, supported keyword arguments.

Name Default Value Summary
isJson : boolean

Generates a JSON-compatible specification. Attributes which do not have a JSON-compatible specification are omitted.

declaredType : pentaho.type.Type

The base type of this value's storage location. If the value does not have this exact type, its inline type property must be included in the specification. Otherwise, it can be omitted. When unspecified, the inline type property is only included if forceType is true.

forceType : boolean

Forces inclusion of the inline type property, _, in the specification.

omitFormatted : boolean

Omits the formatted value on Simple values' specifications.

preferPropertyArray : boolean

Indicates that, if possible, array form is used for Complex values' specifications.

The array form of a complex value cannot be used when its type must be inlined.

includeDefaults : boolean

When true, all of the properties of Complex values are serialized. When false, the default, only properties whose value is different from their default value are serialized.

Only applies to complex values that are serialized in object form. In array form, all of the properties of complex values are serialized independently of their value.

omitProps : object

An object whose own property names with a truthy value are the names of the properties of the current complex type to omit from the serialization.

Only applies when a complex is output in object form. In array form, all properties are output whatever their value.

This argument only applies to complex values and is not passed through to the values of their properties.

Name Description
pentaho.type.spec.Instance | null

A specification of this value.

toSpecInContext(keyArgs) : *

Creates a specification that describes this instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Instance.js, line 178

Inherited From: pentaho.type.Instance#toSpecInContext

Name Default Value Summary
keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments' object. Passed to every instance and type serialized within this scope.

Please see the documentation of subclasses for information on additional, supported keyword arguments.

Name Description

A specification of this instance.

See also: pentaho.type.Instance#toSpec

visit(transformer) :

Creates a filter that is a transformed version of this filter.

This implementation calls transformer with this. If the result is non-Nully, it is returned. Otherwise, the result of calling _visitDefault is returned.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/Abstract.js, line 254

Inherited From:

Name Default Value Summary
transformer :

The transformer function.

Name Description

The transformed filter.

visitOperands(transformer, keyArgs) : Array.<>

Creates transformed versions of the operands of this filter.

If no operands are actually modified, null is returned.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/data/filter/_core/Tree.js, line 171

Inherited From:

Name Default Value Summary
transformer :

The transformer function.

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments object.

Name Default Value Summary
where : function

A predicate function to filter desired children.

Name Description

The transformed operands or null.

See also: