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pentaho.environment. IServer

The IServer interface allows access to the Pentaho Platform???s environmental information that pertains to the server application.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IServer.jsdoc, line 17

See also: pentaho.environment.IEnvironment


Name Description
packages :  URL

Gets the base url to access web packages of the web server application.

root :  URL

Gets the base url of the web server application.

services :  URL

Gets the base url of services' endpoints of the web server application.

Members Details

packages:  URL

Gets the base url to access web packages of the web server application.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IServer.jsdoc, line 39

root:  URL

Gets the base url of the web server application.

In cases where the executing environment does not yet support the URL type, a replacement object is provided that supports, at a minimum, its href, pathname and protocol properties.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IServer.jsdoc, line 26

services:  URL

Gets the base url of services' endpoints of the web server application.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IServer.jsdoc, line 48