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pentaho.type.action. ListChangeset

The class ListChangeset describes a log of changes in a list value.

AMD Module

require(["pentaho/type/action/ListChangeset"], function(ListChangeset) { /* code goes here */ });



Name Description
new ListChangeset(transaction, target)

Creates a new instance.


Name Description
changes :  Array.<pentaho.type.action.PrimitiveChange>

Gets the list of contained primitive changes.

hasChanges :  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this changeset contains any changes, whether they are primitive or in contained changesets.

isReadOnly :  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if the changeset is in a read-only state and can no longer be modified.

target :  pentaho.type.List

Gets the list value where the changes take place.

targetVersion :  number

Gets the version of the target at the time when the changeset was created.

transaction :  pentaho.type.action.Transaction

Gets the owning transaction.

transactionVersion :  number

Gets the transaction version of this changeset.

transactionVersionLocal :  number

Gets the local transaction version of this changeset.

type :  string

Gets the type of change.


Name Description

Called by a child changeset when its version changes or becomes dirty.


Throws an error if the changeset is read-only.


Actually removes all changes from this changeset.


Called by a parent changeset on its child changeset, this, for it to clear its changes.


Resets the topological order of this changeset, and of any child changesets, by calculating it based on its current parents.

_setTransactionVersion(txnVersion, noNotifyParentChangeset)

Updates the transaction version to a given value, if it is greater than the current one. Notifies all parents, except the optionally specified one, that their version is dirty.

_setTransactionVersionLocal(txnVersionLocal, noNotifyParentChangeset)

Updates the local transaction version to a given value due to a local, primitive change, if it is greater than the current one. Then, it calls _setTransactionVersion with the same arguments.


Removes all changes from this changeset.

compose(changeset) : pentaho.type.action.Changeset

Creates a new changeset which combines the current changeset with another one which contains new changes to the same target.

eachChildChangeset(fun, ctx)

Calls a function once per child changeset.

getChange(key) : pentaho.type.action.ComplexChangeset

Gets the child changeset for an element with the given key, if any.

Constructor Details

new ListChangeset(transaction, target)

Creates a new instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/ListChangeset.js, line 31

Name Default Value Summary
transaction : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

The owning transaction.

target : pentaho.type.List

The list value where the changes take place.

Members Details


Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/ListChangeset.js, line 837

changes:  Array.<pentaho.type.action.PrimitiveChange>

Gets the list of contained primitive changes.

The returned array should not be modified.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/ListChangeset.js, line 104


Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Change.js, line 40

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Change#eventName

hasChanges:  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this changeset contains any changes, whether they are primitive or in contained changesets.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 387

Overrides: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#hasChanges

isReadOnly:  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if the changeset is in a read-only state and can no longer be modified.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 217

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#isReadOnly

target:  pentaho.type.List

Gets the list value where the changes take place.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/ListChangeset.js, line 75

Overrides: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#target

targetVersion:  number

Gets the version of the target at the time when the changeset was created.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 240

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#targetVersion

transaction:  pentaho.type.action.Transaction

Gets the owning transaction.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 52

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#transaction

transactionVersion:  number

Gets the transaction version of this changeset.

This number is at least as high as the transaction version of any child changesets and primitive changes.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 264

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#transactionVersion

transactionVersionLocal:  number

Gets the local transaction version of this changeset.

This number is the maximum transaction version of the contained primitive changes.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 252

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#transactionVersionLocal

type:  string

Gets the type of change.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/ListChangeset.js, line 92

Default Value: "list"

See also: pentaho.type.action.Change#type

Methods Details


Called by a child changeset when its version changes or becomes dirty.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 379

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#__onChildTxnVersionDirty


Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/ListChangeset.js, line 335


Throws an error if the changeset is read-only.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 206

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#_assertWritable

Name Description

When the changeset has been marked read-only.


Actually removes all changes from this changeset.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 465

Overrides: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#_clearChanges

See also: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#clearChanges


Called by a parent changeset on its child changeset, this, for it to clear its changes.

This method updates the transaction version of this changeset to match the parent's version and then delegates to the _clearChanges method.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 453

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#_clearChangesRecursive

Name Default Value Summary
parentChangeset : pentaho.type.action.Changeset

The parent changeset.

See also: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#transactionVersion , pentaho.type.action.Changeset#clearChanges


Resets the topological order of this changeset, and of any child changesets, by calculating it based on its current parents.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 111

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#_resetNetOrder

See also: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#__calculateNetOrder

_setTransactionVersion(txnVersion, noNotifyParentChangeset)

Updates the transaction version to a given value, if it is greater than the current one. Notifies all parents, except the optionally specified one, that their version is dirty.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 308

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#_setTransactionVersion

Name Default Value Summary
txnVersion : number

The new transaction version.

noNotifyParentChangeset : pentaho.type.action.Changeset

The parent changeset that should not be notified.

_setTransactionVersionLocal(txnVersionLocal, noNotifyParentChangeset)

Updates the local transaction version to a given value due to a local, primitive change, if it is greater than the current one. Then, it calls _setTransactionVersion with the same arguments.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 335

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#_setTransactionVersionLocal

Name Default Value Summary
txnVersionLocal : number

The new local transaction version.

noNotifyParentChangeset : pentaho.type.action.Changeset

The parent changeset that should not be notified.


Removes all changes from this changeset.

Primitive changes are removed, while contained changesets are cleared.

This method validates that the changeset is in a valid state and then delegates actual work to the _clearChangesRecursive method.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 434

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#clearChanges

Name Description

When the changeset or any of its contained changesets have been marked read-only.

See also: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#_clearChanges , pentaho.type.action.Changeset#_clearChangesRecursive

compose(changeset) : pentaho.type.action.Changeset

Creates a new changeset which combines the current changeset with another one which contains new changes to the same target.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 397

Overrides: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#compose

Name Default Value Summary
changeset : pentaho.type.action.Changeset

The new changeset.

Name Description

The composed changeset.

Name Description

When changeset is not a pentaho.type.action.Changeset.


When changeset is the same as this.


When composing with a changeset that has a different target.


When composing with a changeset that has a previous targetVersion.

eachChildChangeset(fun, ctx)

Calls a function once per child changeset.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/Changeset.js, line 186

Overrides: pentaho.type.action.Changeset#eachChildChangeset

Name Default Value Summary
fun : function

The function to call.

ctx : *

The this context on which to call fun.

getChange(key) : pentaho.type.action.ComplexChangeset

Gets the child changeset for an element with the given key, if any.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/ListChangeset.js, line 131

Name Default Value Summary
key : string

The key of the element.

Name Description

The child changeset or null.