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pentaho.type.mixins. Container

A mixin class that contains functionality shared by the instance container classes: Complex and List.



Name Description
new Container()

This class was not designed to be constructed directly. It was designed to be used as a mixin.


Name Description
$changeset :  pentaho.type.action.Changeset

Gets the changeset of this instance in the ambient transaction, if any, or null.

$hasChanges :  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this instance has any changes in the ambient transaction.

$references :  Array.<object>

Gets the references to this container, or null, if none.

$uid :  string

Gets the unique identifier of the instance.

$version :  number

Gets the current version of the instance.

base :  function

If a method has been overridden, then the base method provides access to the overridden method.


Name Description
_createChangeset(transaction) : pentaho.type.action.Changeset

Creates a changeset with this container as target and returns it.

_emit(event) : pentaho.lang.Event

Emits an unstructured event and returns it, unless it was canceled.

_emitGeneric(source, eventArgs, type, phase, keyArgs) : boolean

Emits an event given an arbitrary payload object, its type and phase. Returns the event payload object, unless the event is canceled.

_emitGenericAllAsync(source, eventArgs, type, phase, keyArgs) : Promise.<object>

Emits an event asynchronously, given an arbitrary payload object, its type and phase, and succeeding if every listener succeeds.

_emitSafe(event) : pentaho.lang.Event

Variation of the _emit method in which errors thrown by event listeners are caught and logged.

_hasListeners(type, phase) : boolean

Determines if there are any registrations for a given event type and, optionally, phase.


Initializes a shallow clone of this container.


Initializes a container instance.


Emits the finally phase event of a change action execution.

_onChangeInit(actionExecution, keyArgs)

Emits the init phase event of a change action execution.


Emits the will phase event of a change action execution.

clone() : pentaho.type.mixins.Container

Creates a shallow clone of this container.

extend(source, keyArgs) : object

Extend an object with the properties of another.

off(typeOrHandle, observer)

Removes one registration given its handle, or all registrations of a given event type (or types) and observer (or listener function).

on(type, observer, keyArgs) : pentaho.lang.IEventRegistrationHandle

Registers an observer (or listener function) for an event(s) of a given type(s).

Constructor Details

new Container()

This class was not designed to be constructed directly. It was designed to be used as a mixin.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 56

Members Details

$changeset:  pentaho.type.action.Changeset

Gets the changeset of this instance in the ambient transaction, if any, or null.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 213

$hasChanges:  boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this instance has any changes in the ambient transaction.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 223

$references:  Array.<object>

Gets the references to this container, or null, if none.

Note that the returned array may be empty.

Do NOT change the returned array or its elements in any way.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 156

$uid:  string

Gets the unique identifier of the instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 75

$version:  number

Gets the current version of the instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 187

base:  function

If a method has been overridden, then the base method provides access to the overridden method.

Can also be called from within a constructor function.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/Base.js, line 299

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.Base#base

Methods Details

_createChangeset(transaction) : pentaho.type.action.Changeset

Creates a changeset with this container as target and returns it.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 248

Name Default Value Summary
transaction : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

The transaction that owns this changeset.

Name Description

A changeset of the appropriate type.

_emit(event) : pentaho.lang.Event

Emits an unstructured event and returns it, unless it was canceled.

When this method is called, the listeners of existing registrations are notified synchronously, by priority order and then registration order, until either the event is canceled or all of the listeners have been notified.

It is safe to register or unregister to/from an event type while it is being emitted. However, changes are only taken into account in subsequent emissions.

If a listener function throws an error, the event processing is interrupted. No more registrations are processed and the error is passed to the caller.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/EventSource.js, line 269

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emit

Name Default Value Summary
event : pentaho.lang.Event

The event object.

Name Description
pentaho.lang.Event | null

The given event object or null, when canceled.

See also: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitSafe , pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitGeneric

_emitGeneric(source, eventArgs, type, phase, keyArgs) : boolean

Emits an event given an arbitrary payload object, its type and phase. Returns the event payload object, unless the event is canceled.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/EventSource.js, line 325

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitGeneric

Name Default Value Summary
source : object

The this value of listener functions.

eventArgs : Array

The arguments of listener functions.

type : nonEmptyString

The type of the event.

phase : nonEmptyString

The phase of the event. For unstructured events don't specify this argument (or specify a Nully value).

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments' object.

Name Default Value Summary
isCanceled : function

A predicate that indicates if the given event arguments are in a canceled state. Its this value is the value of source.

errorHandler : function

When specified with a null value, no error handling is performed and errors thrown by listeners are thrown back to this method's caller. When unspecified or specified as undefined, defaults to a function that simply logs the listener errors, and lets execution continue to the following listeners. The function arguments are: the error, the eventArgs, the event type and the event phase. Its this value is the value of source.

interceptor : function

A function which is called for each event listener function, with the arguments listener, source, eventArgs and the index of the listener.

Name Description

false when the event is canceled; true, otherwise.

_emitGenericAllAsync(source, eventArgs, type, phase, keyArgs) : Promise.<object>

Emits an event asynchronously, given an arbitrary payload object, its type and phase, and succeeding if every listener succeeds.

Listeners are called in parallel.

Returns a promise that is fulfilled or rejected with the event payload object. If any listener throws or rejects, the returned promise is rejected as well.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/EventSource.js, line 454

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitGenericAllAsync

Name Default Value Summary
source : object

The this value of listener functions.

eventArgs : Array

The arguments of listener functions.

type : nonEmptyString

The type of the event.

phase : nonEmptyString

The phase of the event. For unstructured events don't specify this argument (or specify a Nully value).

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments' object.

Name Default Value Summary
isCanceled : function

A predicate that indicates if the given event arguments are in a canceled state. Its this value is the value of source.

getCancellationReason : function

A function that given the event arguments returns its a cancellation reason, usually an Error. Its this value is the value of source.

errorHandler : function

When specified with a null value, no error handling is performed. Errors thrown by, or promises rejected by, any listeners cause the whole event to be rejected.

When unspecified or specified as undefined, defaults to a function that simply logs any listener errors, yet always succeeding.

The function arguments are: the error, the event, the event type and the event phase.

Name Description

A promise. When fulfilled, it is with the value undefined. When rejected due to a thrown error, the rejection reason is that error. When explicitly rejected by the error handler, the given rejection reason is preserved. When rejected due to a cancellation, the rejection reason is the cancellation reason, if any.

_emitSafe(event) : pentaho.lang.Event

Variation of the _emit method in which errors thrown by event listeners are caught and logged.

If an event listener throws an error, the following event listeners are still processed.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/EventSource.js, line 291

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitSafe

Name Default Value Summary
event : pentaho.lang.Event

The event object.

Name Description
pentaho.lang.Event | null

The given event object or null, when canceled.

See also: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emit , pentaho.lang.EventSource#_emitGeneric

_hasListeners(type, phase) : boolean

Determines if there are any registrations for a given event type and, optionally, phase.

This method can be used to avoid creating expensive event objects for an event type and, optionally, phase, that don't have registrations.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/EventSource.js, line 218

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#_hasListeners

Name Default Value Summary
type : nonEmptyString

The type of the event.

phase : nonEmptyString

The phase of a structured event. For unstructured events don't specify this argument. For structured events, if this argument is not specified, the result will be true if there are any listeners, for any of the phases.

Name Description

true if the event has any listeners for the given event type and phase; false, otherwise.


if(this._hasListeners("click")) {

 var event = new Event("click", this, true);

 if(this._emit(event)) {
 // ...
if(this._hasListeners("select")) {

 var event = new Event("select");

 if(this._emitGeneric(this, [event], "select", "will")) {

 // Select ...

 this._emitGeneric(this, [event], "select", "finally");

Initializes a shallow clone of this container.

The default implementation calls pentaho.type.mixins.Container#_initContainer.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 140

Name Default Value Summary
clone : pentaho.type.mixins.Container

The cloned container to initialize.


Initializes a container instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 74


Emits the finally phase event of a change action execution.

The default implementation delegates to _emitGeneric.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 315

Name Default Value Summary
actionExecution : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

The action execution.

_onChangeInit(actionExecution, keyArgs)

Emits the init phase event of a change action execution.

The default implementation delegates to _emitGeneric.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 274

Name Default Value Summary
actionExecution : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

The action execution.

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments' object.


Emits the will phase event of a change action execution.

The default implementation delegates to _emitGeneric.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 297

Name Default Value Summary
actionExecution : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

The action execution.

clone() : pentaho.type.mixins.Container

Creates a shallow clone of this container.

All property values or elements are shared with the clone.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/mixins/Container.js, line 125

Name Description

The cloned container.

extend(source, keyArgs) : object

Extend an object with the properties of another.

Methods that are overridden are accessible through this.base.

This object is extended, but its class doesn't change.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/Base.js, line 1040

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.Base#extend

Name Default Value Summary
source : object

The instance specification.

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments.

Name Default Value Summary
exclude : object

A map of property names to exclude from source.

Name Description

This object.

off(typeOrHandle, observer)

Removes one registration given its handle, or all registrations of a given event type (or types) and observer (or listener function).

To remove an event registration, it is sufficient to call the dispose method of the registration handle returned by on, upon registration. Alternatively, as a convenience syntax, the registration handle can be passed as the single argument to this method.

It is safe to unregister from an event type while it is being emitted. However, any registrations removed during the current emission will still execute.

Specifying an event registration handle that has already been disposed of has no effect. Specifying an event type and observer (or listener function) that have no registrations has no effect.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/lang/IEventSource.jsdoc, line 131

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#off

Name Default Value Summary
typeOrHandle : nonEmptyString | Array.<nonEmptyString> | pentaho.lang.IEventRegistrationHandle

The type or types of events, or an event registration handle to dispose of. When a string, it can be a comma-separated list of event types.

observer : pentaho.lang.IEventObserver | pentaho.lang.EventListener | pentaho.lang.EventListenerAsync

The event observer (or listener function). Required when typeOrHandle is not an event registration handle; ignored, otherwise.

See also: pentaho.lang.IEventSource#on

on(type, observer, keyArgs) : pentaho.lang.IEventRegistrationHandle

Registers an observer (or listener function) for an event(s) of a given type(s).

Optionally, a listening priority may be specified to adjust the order by which an observer is notified, relative to other listeners.

Note that if an observer is registered more than once to the same event type, a new registration is created each time and its listeners will be called once per registration.

It is safe to register for an event type while it is being emitted. However, new registrations are only taken into account in subsequent emissions.

When type represents multiple event types, the returned event registration handle is a composite registration for all of the event types.

This method is compatible with the dojo/on API.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/lang/IEventSource.jsdoc, line 90

Inherited From: pentaho.lang.EventSource#on

Name Default Value Summary
type : nonEmptyString | Array.<nonEmptyString>

The type or types of events. When a string, it can be a comma-separated list of event types.

observer : pentaho.lang.IEventObserver | pentaho.lang.EventListener | pentaho.lang.EventListenerAsync

The event observer (or listener function).

keyArgs : object

Keyword arguments.

Name Default Value Summary
priority : number

The listening priority. Higher priority observers are notified of an event before any lower priority observers. The priority can be set to -Infinity or Infinity. In case two observers are assigned the same priority, the registration order determines which is notified first.

Name Description

An event registration handle that can be used for later removal.

See also: pentaho.lang.IEventSource#off