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pentaho.type.spec. IComplex

The spec.IComplex interface describes a complex instance in object form.

Complex values are naturally described in object form using the property names as the objects' keys and the property values as the objects' values.

For example:

  product: "boeing-737",
  price:   1500

To include the type of the instance, the special inline type property is used:

  _: "my/product",
  product: "boeing-737",
  price:   1500

Apart from the special inline type property, the object form is of type Object.&ltstring, ?pentaho.type.spec.Instance>.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/type/spec/IComplex.jsdoc, line 17

See also: pentaho.type.spec.Complex , pentaho.type.spec.Value , pentaho.type.spec.Instance



Name Description
_ :  pentaho.type.spec.TypeReference

An inline type reference of the value's type.

Members Details

_:  pentaho.type.spec.TypeReference

An inline type reference of the value's type.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/type/spec/IInstance.jsdoc, line 27

Inherited From: pentaho.type.spec.IInstance#_