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Scheduler Resource


The SchedulerResource service provides the means to create, read, update, delete and list schedules and blockout periods. Also provides the ability to control the status of schedules and scheduler.

The following resources are applicable:



Creates a new blockout for scheduled jobs.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/blockout/add

POST data:
<endTime />

Request Body

element: jobScheduleRequest
media types: application/xml

A JobScheduleRequest object defining the blockout job.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

A Response object which contains the ID of the blockout which was created.

Example Response:

admin	BlockoutAction	1410786491209

Status Codes

code description
200 Successful operation.
401 User is not authorized to create blockout.



Get all the blockout jobs in the system.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/scheduler/blockout/blockoutjobs

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

A Response object that contains a list of blockout jobs.

Example Response:

<jobId>admin	BlockoutAction	1408457558636</jobId>
<jobTrigger xsi:type="complexJobTrigger">
<cronString>0 12 10 ? * 2,3,4,5,6 *</cronString>
<dayOfMonthRecurrences />
<monthlyRecurrences />
<yearlyRecurrences />

Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully retrieved blockout jobs.



Check the status of the selected blockout schedule.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/blockout/blockstatus

POST data:
<endTime />

Request Body

element: jobScheduleRequest
media types: application/xml

The payload containing the definition of the blockout.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

A Response object which contains a BlockStatusProxy which contains totallyBlocked and partiallyBlocked flags.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully got the blockout status.
401 User is not authorized to get the blockout status.



Checks if there are blockouts in the system.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/scheduler/blockout/hasblockouts

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

true or false whether there are blackouts or not.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully determined whether or not the system contains blockouts.



Checks if the selected blockout schedule should be fired now.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/scheduler/blockout/shouldFireNow

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

true or false whether or not the blockout should fire now.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successful operation.



Update an existing blockout.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/blockout/update?jobid=admin%09BlockoutAction%091410786491209

POST data:
<endTime />


name description type
jobid The jobId of the blockout we are editing. query

Request Body

media types: application/xml

The payload containing the definition of the blockout.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

A Response object which contains the ID of the blockout which was created.

Example Response:

admin	BlockoutAction	1410786491503

Status Codes

code description
200 Successful operation.
401 User is not authorized to update blockout.



Checks if the selected blockout schedule will be fired.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/blockout/willFire

POST data:
<endTime />

Request Body

element: jobScheduleRequest
media types: application/xml

The payload containing the definition of the blockout.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

true or false indicating whether or not the blockout will fire.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successful operation.
500 An error occurred while determining blockouts being fired.



Checks whether the current user has authority to schedule any content in the platform.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/scheduler/canSchedule

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

true or false. true indicates scheduling is allowed and false indicates scheduling is not allowed for the user.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successful retrieved the scheduling permission.
500 Unable to retrieve the scheduling permission.



Retrieve the list of execute content by lineage id.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/scheduler/generatedContentForSchedule?lineageId=:public:Steel%20Wheels:Inventory%20List%20(report).prpt


name description type
lineageId the path for the file. query

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

A list of RepositoryFileDto objects.

Example Response:

<value>myFile Description</value>

Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully got the generated content for schedule



Get the scheduled job created by the system for deleting generated files.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/scheduler/getContentCleanerJob

Response Body

element: job
media types: application/xml

A Job object containing the definition of the content cleaner job.

Example Response:

<jobId>admin	GeneratedContentCleaner	1408377444383</jobId>
<jobTrigger xsi:type="simpleJobTrigger">

Status Codes

code description
200 Content cleaner job successfully retrieved.
204 No content cleaner job exists.



Retrieve the all the scheduled job(s) visible to the current users.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/scheduler/getJobs

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

A list of jobs that are visible to the current users.

Example Response:

<jobId>admin	PentahoSystemVersionCheck	1408369303507</jobId>
<jobTrigger xsi:type="simpleJobTrigger">
<jobId>admin	UpdateAuditData	1408373019115</jobId>
<value>input file = /public/pentaho-operations-mart/update_audit_mart_data/UpdateAuditData.xaction:outputFile = /public/pentaho-operations-mart/generated_logs/UpdateAuditData.*</value>
<jobTrigger xsi:type="simpleJobTrigger">

Status Codes

code description
200 Jobs retrieved successfully.
500 Error while retrieving jobs.



Checks whether the current user may schedule a repository file in the platform.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/scheduler/isScheduleAllowed?id=b5f806b9-9f72-4814-b1e0-aa9e0ece7e1a


name description type
id The repository file ID of the content to checked. query

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

true or false. true indicates scheduling is allowed and false indicates scheduling is not allowed for the file.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully retrieved scheduling ability of repository file.
500 Invalid repository file id.



Creates a new scheduled job.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/job

POST data:
<endTime />
<inputFile>/public/Steel Wheels/Top Customers (report).prpt</inputFile>

Request Body

element: jobScheduleRequest
media types: application/xml

A JobScheduleRequest object to define the parameters of the job being created.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

A jax-rs Response object with the created jobId.

Example Response:

admin	JobName	1410786491777

Status Codes

code description
200 Schedule created successfully.
401 User is not allowed to create schedules.
403 Cannot create schedules for the specified file.
500 An error occurred while creating a schedule.



Return the information for a specified job.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/scheduler/jobinfo?jobId=admin%09JobName%091410786491777


name description type
jobId The jobId of the job for which we are requesting information. query
asCronString Cron string (Unused) query

Response Body

element: job
media types: application/xml

A Job object containing the info for the specified job.

Example Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <jobId>admin    JobName    1410786491777</jobId>
         <value>input file = /public/Steel Wheels/Top Customers (report).prpt:outputFile = /home/admin/JobName.*</value>
   <jobTrigger xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="simpleJobTrigger">

Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully retrieved the information for the requested job.
500 Invalid jobId.



Checks the state of the selected scheduled job.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/jobState

POST data:
<jobId>admin	JobName	1410786491777</jobId>

Request Body

element: jobRequest
media types: application/xml

A JobRequest object containing the jobId.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

A jax-rs Response object containing the status of the scheduled job.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully retrieved the state of the requested job.
500 Invalid jobId.



Pause the scheduler from a running state.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/pause

POST data:
This POST body does not contain data.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

A jax-rs Response object containing the status of the scheduler.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully paused the server.
500 An error occurred when pausing the scheduler.



Pause the specified scheduled job.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/pauseJob

POST data:
<jobId>admin	JobName	1410786491777</jobId>

Request Body

media types: application/xml

A JobRequest object containing the jobId.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

A jax-rs Response object containing the status of the scheduled job.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully paused the job.
500 Invalid jobId.



Delete the specified scheduled job from the platform.

Example Request:
DELETE pentaho/api/scheduler/removeJob

DELETE data:
<jobId>admin	BlockoutAction	1410786491503</jobId>

Request Body

media types: application/xml

A JobRequest object containing the jobId.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

A jax-rs Response object containing the status of the scheduled job.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully removed the job.
500 Invalid jobId.



Resume the specified scheduled job.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/resumeJob

POST data:
<jobId>admin	JobName	1410786491777</jobId>

Request Body

element: jobRequest
media types: application/xml

A JobRequest object containing the jobId.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

A jax-rs Response object containing the status of the scheduled job.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully resumed the job.
500 Invalid jobId.



Shuts down the scheduler.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/shutdown

POST data:
This POST body does not contain data.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

A jax-rs Response object containing the status of the scheduler.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully shut down the server.
500 An error occurred when shutting down the scheduler.



Resume the scheduler from a paused state.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/start

POST data:
This POST body does not contain data.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

A jax-rs Response object containing the status of the scheduler.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully started the server.
500 An error occurred when resuming the scheduler.



Returns the state of the scheduler with the value of RUNNING or PAUSED.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/scheduler/state

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

status of the scheduler as RUNNING or PAUSED.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Successfully retrieved the state of the scheduler.
500 An error occurred when getting the state of the scheduler.



Execute a previously scheduled job.

Example Request:
POST pentaho/api/scheduler/triggerNow

POST data:
<jobId>admin	JobName	1410786491777</jobId>

Request Body

element: jobRequest
media types: application/xml

A JobRequest object containing the jobId.

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

A Response object indicating the status of the scheduler.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Job triggered successfully.
400 Invalid input.
500 Invalid jobId.

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