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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation


pentaho.type. action

The action namespace contains classes related with the management of internal value changes.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/type/action/_namespace.jsdoc, line 17


Name Summary

The AbstractTransactionScope class is the abstract base class of classes that control the ambient/current transaction.


The Add class describes the primitive operation of adding a new element to a list at a given index.


The Change class is the abstract base class of classes that describe changes in structured value instances.


The Changeset class describes a set of changes occurring in a structured value, the target value.


The Clear class describes the primitive operation that clears every element of a list.


The CommittedScope class provides a way for a certain region of code to read the committed values of instances.


The class ComplexChangeset describes a set of changes to the values of properties in a complex value.


The class ListChangeset describes a log of changes in a list value.


The Move class describes the primitive operation that changes an element position inside a list.


The PrimitiveChange class is the abstract base class of changes that are the direct consequence of performing primitive operations on a structured value.


The Remove class describes the primitive operation that removes a set of contiguous elements from a list.


The Replace class describes the primitive operation that replaces the value of an element property of a complex instance.


The Sort class describes the primitive operation that sorts the element in a list.


A Transaction object stores information about changes performed to instances.


The TransactionRejectedError class wraps the reason used to reject a transaction and is thrown whenever a transaction is rejected through a transaction scope's reject method or the commit fails, through a transaction scope's accept method.


The TransactionScope class manages a transaction.


Name Description
States : number

The States enum is the class of names of action execution states.

Members Details

States: number

The States enum is the class of names of action execution states.

Name Default Value Description
unstarted : number 1

The unstarted action execution state.

init : number 2

The init action execution state.

will : number 4

The will action execution state.

do : number 8

The do action execution state.

did : number 16

The did action execution state.

canceled : number 32

The canceled action execution state.

failed : number 64

The failed action execution state.

finished : number 128

The finished action execution state bit.

Can be on when one of did, failed or canceled is also on.

Indicates that all finalization tasks have been completed.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/action/States.js, line 27