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pentaho.type.spec. ISimple

The spec.ISimple interface describes a simple value in object form.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/type/spec/ISimple.jsdoc, line 17

See also: pentaho.type.spec.Simple



A simple value description using the shorthand alias properties

{v: 1, f: "1.0"}


Name Description
_ : pentaho.type.spec.TypeReference

An inline type reference of the value's type.

f : string

An alias for formatted.

formatted : string

The formatted value.

v : *

An alias for value.

value : *

The underlying JavaScript value.

Members Details

_: pentaho.type.spec.TypeReference

An inline type reference of the value's type.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/type/spec/IInstance.jsdoc, line 27

Inherited From: pentaho.type.spec.IInstance#_

f: string

An alias for formatted.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/type/spec/ISimple.jsdoc, line 78

formatted: string

The formatted value.

When unspecified, or specified as a Nully or empty value, it is taken to be null.

Property f is an alias for this one.

Only one of f or formatted can be specified.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/type/spec/ISimple.jsdoc, line 56

v: *

An alias for value.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/type/spec/ISimple.jsdoc, line 70

value: *

The underlying JavaScript value.

Property v is an alias for this one.

One and only one of v or value must be specified, non-Nully.

Unless otherwise specified, the JSON serialization of the underlying value is the value itself (a string is a JSON string; a number is a JSON number and boolean is a JSON boolean). Other data types naturally need to be serialized to JSON in some custom way and document that format.

Check the specification documentation of subtypes of this one, for information about supported, specialized input and output value formats.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/type/spec/ISimple.jsdoc, line 35